Chapter 4: Trepidation

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My apologies for not updating as often as I should. I've been busy, and I nearly forgot about this story... Sorry to all who've been waiting...
You stand in front of your fireplace nervously. You had dressed in your finest dress for the occassion (and also because you didn't want Lucius and Draco to look down on you for your financial status). It was a black silk dress, with a few green sequins. It was something that you thought could impress the Malfoys, but standing in front of the fireplace about to floo into his house, you rethink your fashion choices. You reach for a lion barrette and slowly Transfigure it into a silvery serpent with red eyes. Pinning it to your hair, you feel more secure and throw the floo powder into the fireplace.
Upon arrival at Malfoy Manor, it seems to you that the place, if possible, had turned even more grand and opulent than before. A clean (surprising, knowing it's owner's history of abuse of house elves) house elf walks toward you, bows its head and says "Master has been expecting you, Miss [y/n], he is in the dining hall with Young Master Draco. Let Blinky show you the way." With that, you follow Blinky to the dining room.
When you step in, your jaw seems to have dislocated itself further. The teak table is polished so well it practically blinds you. Seated at the head of the table, is Lucius Malfoy himself. He still looks tired and weak, but he made an effort to groom himself and you manage to see the old him again. He is dressed in his fine robes, of dark Slytherin green, with sliver embellishments. His sliver hair is combed and each strand is perfectly straightened and in place. Seated at his right is Draco Malfoy, dressed in a fancy dark green dress shirt and is as perfectly groomed as his father. Draco nods curtly to you as his father says, "Ah yes Miss [y/n], thank you for coming. I didn't think you would turn up after that fiasco yesterday."
You look at Lucius and take a seat at the seat opposite Draco. A few well groomed house elves bring your food to the table and it surprises you to see Lucius thanking them for their service. Knowing his history with house elf abuse, you can't help but blurt out, "Spit it out. Why are you suddenly so nice?" "The war changes people and their mindsets. It changed my view of blood purity, as I saw the Lord indiscriminately killing people. That and Narcissa's death. As for my mindset, I learnt that from Narcissa's passing that life is precious, and I should be nicer to people." Lucius said in a robotic tone."Draco, did you tell him to say that?" I said suspiciously. "I didn't tell him to say it, but we went through a set of acceptable answers yesterday night. Father was anxious to please and to make amends, so he went to me." Draco said, with a hint of pride that his father found him useful for something. Lucius shot a glare at his son for exposing that tidbit of information, before clearing his face of emotions and plastering a smile on it. You do not hesitate to ask your question. "Mr Malfoy, sir, we need to to come back to the Ministry. Are you alright with this?" Lucius looked at his plate and gently shifted things around it. He could only give a tense reply "I will inform you of my plans after dinner".
With no choice, you tuck in to the splendid food in front of you. You needed some food after the world changing events that just happened. Lucius Malfoy being nice, friendly and welcoming was one of those "it'll only happen when Hell freezes over" kind of things to you, and in your current knowledge, Hell had yet to freeze. What was going on? On the bright side, maybe it showed that people can change, after all.

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