Harry snorted with laughter as the elevator doors swung open. Cal rolled his eyes.

"Like I said, you guys are fucking weird." Cal shrugged. "Cal, you have no room to talk, mate. You should see the way you look at Harry."

My face instantly flames up, "you're an asshole."

I shoved the keys into the lock and unlocked the door. I wanted to slam it into Cal's face, but I don't. I walk straight in and leap onto the couch.

Cal throws a laugh my way, "I may be an asshole but I am right!"

Harry plops down onto my feet, rude asshole, and looks at me with raised eyebrows. I shake my head at him and motion to hanging myself.

"Not right!" I try to defend myself. I know it's too late and that Cal knows I am bluffing. I peer over the couch at him and mouth shut up or you're dead and he laughs. He disappears into his room without another word.

Harry looks at me with a confused look. His head is slightly cocked to the side, like a lost puppy. God damnit, he looks so cute. I would rather the earth swallow me whole in this exact moment. 

"Why does he say that?" Harry asked, shifting his body weight off of my feet so I can throw them into his lap instead.

"Yeah, I don't know..." I nervously start as I pick at my hangnails. "He's just good ole Cal!"

"I don't make you uncomfortable do I?"

My face is burning, I can feel it like a forest fire against my cheeks. My heart is flaring up and my chest feels like it's engulfed in flames. I swallow nervously and finally have the courage to raise my eyes to meet his.


"Is what he said true?"

I drop my eyes. Why the fuck is this happening to me?

"I mean..."

Harry's eyebrows raised, "you know it's okay, right? I'm not going to judge you for anything."

"I know that." I fidget with my nails a little more. "I know you are like the greatest person alive. I just can't.."

"Can't what, Cal?" Harry grabs my hands to stop me from messing with my nails further. "What are you so damn scared of?"

"I am scared you're going to hate me."

"Why the hell would I ever hate you?" Harry's voice drops slightly to a soothing tone. "I could never hate you. You know that dumb quote everyone says, "You're my person", Cal you're mine. I couldn't imagine my life without you."

My cheeks are on fire at this point, my heart is thumping like a stampede of wild horses through the pasture. I swallowed nervously and looked at his face. He was biting his lip. His eyes were burning with so much passion. His hair was slightly ruffled, and his dimple was slightly poking out.

"You don't understand..." I start to say, and then swallow. "I, honestly, like you."

Harry laughed, "I like you too?"

I sighed. He runs his hand over my thumb to try and soothe my raging emotions.

"Not like, oh you're my best friends! Let's watch football and drink beers and call it a night, like. I like you. I like when you talk to me and your eyes are sparkling. I like when I can make you laugh so hard that your dimples come out. I like when you look at me and smile at the most random times. I like when you make me feel like I am the only one who matters to you in that moment."

I take a deep breath and scoot closer to him. "I like you in every single way this Earth could possibly think of. I like when you get separated from me and when you finally find me again, you smile at me. I like you to the point my lungs physically hurt. I like you so much, it physically hurts me."

I connect my eyes with his, "so when you say I am your person, it makes my heart drop because you're not mine in the same way."

Harry turned his head slightly. "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I didn't want you to hate me. I would've rather of killed my mind and shut everything down to even think of you hating me for a second."

"Like I said, Cal, I could never hate you."


Harry brought his hand to my cheek and connected our lips. I instantly sink into the kiss and sigh happily. I throw my hands over his shoulders and bring myself closer to him. This was Heaven, and nobody could convince me it could ever get better than this.

• • •

authors note:

umm hi. :)

sorry for my long absence, dealing with personal shit for so long sucks. but ummm i am glad i had time to write this out for my two sweet honeys aka my favorite ship to this day.

wroetofreezy has my heart what can i say?

it was so nice to write again and i hope y'all can forgive me for saying surprise bitches and then dipped out again immediately but

hey bitches bet u thought u had seen the last of me ?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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