She was cut off by Bakugou roughly pulling her flush against him, her cheek pressing into his beating chest. "I don't want you to go..." He admitted.

"I don't want you to go..." He repeated. "...but if you don't go to I-Island, I'll never forgive you." He declared, finalizing his resolve by holding her tighter. She made the decision that she thought was best for her. She made her choice, and now he had to make his.

Ayano returned his embrace with equal force, giving a small breathy laugh. "You don't want me to go, but you want me to go. Which is it?" She nuzzled her head into him.

Bakugou pushed her away slightly so he could look her in the eyes. "Just so we're clear, I'm still mad that you didn't tell me about the study abroad stuff. I know why you didn't now, but I want you to depend on me more. I'm your boyfriend, aren't I? You should come to me if you're having problems, and you can tell me anything."

"I'll try..." She quietly said. They both knew it wouldn't be easy, but at least she had promised to try. Bakugou also had issues with letting his problems out, always shouldering his own burdens. Blaming himself for getting kidnapped by the League of Villains and All Might's end the perfect example of that. He internally promised that he would try to be more open too.

"Just don't tell me you don't want me to go or do something until I've already made my decision." Ayano added. The ash blond rolled his eyes at that.

They moved to lay down on her bed, all the while still embracing. "When do you leave?" Bakugou asked the dreaded question.

"The program lasts for the entirety of our second year, but it is almost our Winter Break and then our first year will be over. Since there are no other major events for Support Course students other than final exams, the I-Island directors told me that I could arrive earlier if I wished, so long as U.A. allows me." Ayano explained. She felt Bakugou hold tighter.

"...Do you want to?" He asked another dreaded question.

"No...I don't want to...But I should." He held on even tighter at her answer.

"...Then do it." Bakugou managed to get the words out, his actions contradicting his words.

Ayano nodded her head against him. "I think I will. Thank you."

After some more silence, the boy asked more questions. "The security there is pretty tight, isn't it? It's not open to the public, so I can't visit but will you be allowed to come back at all while you're there?"

The girl hummed in thought. "I will have to ask about that. Hopefully, I will be permitted leave on major holidays and breaks at the very least." Bakugou nodded, squeezing her as if to reassure them both.

It was her turn to ask a question. "Does your phone plan cover international calls?" As expected, the blond shook his head. "Neither does mine." Ayano responded.

"I suppose I can invent a communication device with an international range." She remarked, but then frowned. "Although, I highly doubt a place like I-Island would overlook something like that. They must have some sort of electromagnetic field surrounding the island to prevent unmonitored calls because of all the confidential information and government research located there. If not, then that would be incredibly concerning."

Bakugou smiled down at her as she muttered about various solutions. He scoffed, catching her attention. "We don't need something like that, so don't worry about it. It's just one year and we'll both probably be too busy with school to talk anyways." He may have sounded like the usual Bakugou who roughly brushed everything off, but his expression didn't match his words one bit.

Ayano understood that this was just his way of dealing with the situation. He wouldn't admit to weakness so easily because he knew that it would make her worry more. So, she decided to humor him. "I suppose you're right. After all, we didn't talk to each other for most of junior high..."

Neither of them smiled to make the act more convincing. They just couldn't. Instead, they just pulled each other closer, holding onto each other's warmth to remember that they were still together. To cling to the limited time they had left with each other.

One year shouldn't have been such a big deal. Yet, they couldn't help feeling this way.

"You better not look at some lame foreign boy while you're there." Bakugou quipped.

"You know I've only ever looked at you. I would tell you not to look at some other girl, but your personality does a fine job of repelling most, if not all, of them." She countered, chuckling.

"Hey!!!" He shouted, but didn't really have the heart to fight back right now. He wanted to just enjoy this peace. "Pfft, all those other girls can fuck off. I already have you."

The girl smiled, nestling closer to him if that were even possible. Bakugou continued. "Also, I'm telling you not to look at other guys so that they don't bother you. If you even so much as give them the time of day, they'll never leave you alone."

Ayano laughed again. "Oh, so you're worried about me?"

"I just don't trust those other guys." He responded, looking away with a small blush.

She cupped his cheeks, forcing him to look at her. "Then, you can trust me. Trust that I won't look at any other man but you. That I won't even give them the time of day."

"I'm holding you to that. You better remember it." He gruffly answered.

They both leaned in for a kiss, sealing their promises to each other.

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