The day before school

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So I got to the fair with Anna. I only hit like 3 kids (10 points!) We found a parking spot and went to get our tickets. Both me and Anna brought $40 and the tickets were surprisingly only $6. This old dude gave us $100 a while ago because we 'threw it back like his grandma' Anna and I were picking out what ride to go on first when I got a text on Instagram
J4kst3r: hi
Ria.moss: wats up dude I'm at the fair
J4kst3r: did you just call me dude
Ria.moss: yea...
J4kst3r: call me daddy instead 😏
Ria.moss : ew I'm cringing
Ria.moss: jk luv u
J4kst3r: I know
As me and him were talking (i just realized I never got his name) Anna decided we would go on the rollercoaster.

Time skip

We went on so many rides my heart is beating so fast. It was a pretty fun day but Anna was acting a little stranger than usual. We were walking to a ride, Anna looked behind us and just started dying laughing. When I looked behind us all I saw was a few people and this insanely cute dude. I didn't think anything of it. She probably just found some cocaine or something. We got in the car and I dropped Anna off at her house. When I got to her house I quickly checked my phone. I had 4 missed messages

J4kst3r: wow ria red really looks good with your long curly hair
J4kst3r: I c u
J4kst3r: ha loser you almost threw up
Ria.moss: um... WHAT. HOW COULD YOU SEE ME
J4kst3r: yep sure was
Ria.moss:😐 if I knew what you looked like I would have beat you
J4kst3r: good
Ria.moss: what school do you go too since school starts tomorrow
J4kst3r: idk
Ria.moss: fiNe be thAt wAy
J4kst3r: I will
I gave up and drive back home. My parents were out of the bathroom! Surprisingly... I didn't bother eating anything cause I was stuffed with junk from the fair. I just packed my bag and scrolled on my phone till I fell asleep. I'm so excited for high school tomorrow!

Authors note: hey guys. I know he has pictures of himself on Instagram but he is texting her on a different account that he uses for friends only so he has no pictures and no profile pics. She has no idea who he is or what he looks like. So just pretend j4kst3r is a different name but the same person. Thank you so much for reading my story!!! I'll try and update once a day

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