"She's not the same person,"

Start from the beginning

It wasn't like every other time in his life where he knew where he was headed and what he was going to deal with. He had absolutely no clue what had happened, and a part of him screamed to turn back and hide from the truth because it was somethinig he wasn't destined to find out. He wasn't ready for this, and his gut knew it--he just chose not to follow it.

Lost in a sense of direction, not knowing where to go from here on out, Justin bobbed his knee like a drugatic on crack; he needed his fix, and he needed it now.

The traffic didn't help either.

"Fuck this," he grunted as they stopped behind another car at a red stop light. Pushing the door open, he didnt even look back as he began running in the direction of the hospital.

It didn't even matter that he ran for five miles straight or that he was sweating like a pig by the time he got to the hospital as long as he made it by her side in time.

Busting through the entrance of the emergency room, he made a beeline for the double doors that led into the busy waiting room. 

The white walls made his stomach churn from the countless memories of him coming here. From all the wounds he received over the last few years, and the gun shot to the chest from a couple months back, it made him sick knowing it wasn't for him or one of the guys that he was back here again, but for Kelsey instead.

It didn't make any sense to him. Why it had to be her and not him. He would have taken her spot without so much as a second thought, even if it meant he would die in the process because Kelsey was the angel and he was the devil who had surrendered his soul a long time ago.

Standing there surrounded by so many people awaiting the fate of their loved ones made him internally sick as his hands began to shake on either side of him at the thought of Kelsey's fate being determined.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. He was supposed to give up his old life to start a new one. They were supposed to grow happy and old together, have children some where down the line and now it didnt look like that was going to happen anytime soon.

It was as if his life wasn't meant to happen the way he had hoped, but by someone else who wanted to see him crumble.

Rushing to the receptionist behind the desk, Justin laid his palms flat on the marble counter, breathing heavily. "Kelsey Jones?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Kelsey Jones, what room is she in?"

Parting her lips, she looked down at the screen on her computer screen before the light blue of her irises peered up at him once more through the lense of her glasses, "I'm sorry, but visiting hours are over--"

"I'm her fucking fiance," he snapped, "what room is she in?"

"Sir, I'm going to need you to calm down," the security guard said as he stepped over towards them after noticing the interaction between the two.

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