Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Niall bent down to see if I was ok. Was I ok? He just said he liked my face. Of course I was ok.

I just laughed it off.

You are such a stupid clutz.

“Sorry, I d-don’t know why that happened, I’m just really tired. Ew, I still have to wait two days for a photo, I’m not going to be able to keep my eyes open.”

“Why don’t you get a photo now?” Niall had the cheekiest grin on his face. Why did he have to get braces? He was perfect. “With me, it doesn’t have to be Photoshopped.” He winked at me

 “Do you want me to fall off my chair again?” I laughed. I couldn’t believe this was happening. He laughed and raised his eyebrows at me. “I’m serious”

“Me too” Niall looked at me. Niall make my babies please. Shut up Milly.

I stared to pinch myself to see if I was dreaming.

“What are you doing Milly?” He asked laughing. They way he said my name. Magic. Leprechaun magic.

“Pinching. My. Self. To. See. If. I. Am. Dreaming.” I said in between each pinch.

 “Stop, stop, stop!” he ran over to me grabbing my hands. Holy crap.

He led me over to the chairs set up in front of a camera and pointed to a chair for me to sit in. “don’t fall out of this one” he laughed sitting down on his own.

“I’ll try my best, no promises” I smiled back at him, he looked right into my eyes. His blue eyes are so amazing.

 He just stared into my eyes for a moment until he looked behind me and shouted “Sal can you come take the photo now?”

A woman who I assumed must be Sal came over and stood behind the camera. “Ok Niall just kiss her on the cheek quickly we’ll take the photo and get it printed for you ok Milly?”

“Yep” we both said at the same time. Niall started laughing. What doesn’t this boy laugh at?

I could see Niall get ready to kiss my cheek and I didn’t know what to do, I was just sitting there awkwardly not knowing where to look.

It was like slow motion as Niall brought his face towards mine, but the second his lips touched my skin Niall pulled away. As if he didn’t want to kiss me. My heart sank. Of course he didn’t want to kiss me. I’m just a stupid fan.

“Sorry Niall you pulled away too fast we didn’t get the shot. Can we get another” Said Sal. Thank you Sal. I love you.

This time Niall brought his face right up to mine, pausing for a second to let out a breath. The hot air hitting my cheek and sending tingles down my spine. And then planted his lips on my cheek and kissed me. I heard the camera click and Niall pulled away. But before he had pulled away completely he stuck out his tongue and licked my face like a lizard, quickly stood up and started to run away, laughing like a madman.

“Niall! What was that!” I yelled, laughing at the same time.

 He kept laughing while running around the room.

“Are you on drugs?” I laughed

 “No I’m just super cool!” he said as he ran back over to me.

 “I’m sure you are” I pulled my phone out to check the time.

 Niall moved closer to me, now with a serious voice asked me “Milly how old are you?”

 “17, why?” I looked at him quizzically.

“No reason” he said a huge grin spreading across his face as a reached out and grabbed my phone from my hands, running away again.

“Give that back! Hey! Niall! Come on!” I yelled chasing him

He ran into the corner of the room and started doing something on my phone.

“What are you doing? Give me my phone” I said again



A minute later her passed me back my phone and said, “I put my number in, what’s yours?”

I don’t think I have ever, ever, EVER blushed this much in my life. Did Niall Horan seriously just ask me for my number? Oh my god. I am definitely dreaming.

“U-umm give me y-your phone” I said putting my hand out. He passed me his phone and I put in my number.

“Thanks” he said beaming at me, “I’ll text you, it was great to meet you”

“Yeah, thank you so much for this, for everything.”

“Anything for a dedicated fan” he said hugging me. “Bye”


I walked out of the studio doors and I looked for a taxi. I hopped in a told the driver my address. For about 10 minutes I just started out the window, thinking about what had just happened. Trying to decide if that had been real at all. Maybe I had some disease from sleeping on the street and now I was hallucinating. Probably. I was suddenly brought back to reality when my phone buzzed. I looked at who it was from.

Cool awesome person called Niall

Did he seriously put his name in there like that? He was so strange.

Hey, its Niall this is Milly right? Just checking she didn’t give me the wrong number. :) x

Wait... hejust texted me. Oh my God. Niall Horan. From One Direction. Just texted me. I’m just another stupid fan, what does he want from me? I’m not funny or pretty, I’m annoying. As if he would be texting me. I replied:

No sorry this is not Milly. Jokes it is. Hi Niall, cool name you put in my phone..:P x

I pressed send as the taxi turned into my street. I shoved my phone into my bag and payed the driver. I ran into my house and shouted “MUM WHERE ARE YOU I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING YOU ARENT EVEN GOING TO BELIEVE MUM GET DOWN HERE OH MY GOSH BEST THING EVER”

 “Milly be quiet. What is it?”

 “Where do I begin?”

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