Chapter 2

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I got inspired by the rp with I_Ship_CrossMare_ just to let you know.)

Dream told killer about what happend and that he hasn't got a home. Killer was shocked at what Ink and blue did to him.

Killer's P. O. V :

I was really shocked at what dreams friends did to him. How could they? Anyways. I asked Dream to come to nightmares mansion with me. And like I excpexted he said yes. As we got there he was kinda scared.

3rd persons P. O. V :

Killer carried dream. As killer was in front of his room Nightmare somehow dissapeared. "exuce me, what are you doing to my brother?" Nightmare asked. He still loved his brother even if he didn't show it. Killer giggled nervously as Nightmare asked that question. "I um..." He said. "ngh.. Could you be more quiet?" Dream asked. A few seconds later he realized that his brother was here. "oh hai Nightmare..." Dream said before yawning which made killer blush. "can you let me down?" Dream asked and killer nodded setting(?) Dream down.

Sorry that was a short chapter. Idk what to write qwq

A fake friend. (a kréme FF) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя