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There is this little thing called a shadow
A darker side to self
It stalks me at every turn
I wish to look upon it
To stare it in the face
Exposed to my glare
Perhaps I will understand

Staying beneath my gaze, tugging at my sleeve
All to no avail I look
So elsewhere I go, searching for answers
For this other piece of me
It resist labels, or pining with a name
Groping blindly for the secret
Heart beating to an unseen song

Beauty is alluring as is death
One to bask in front of
The other to prod with caution
I tried beauty true
But hiding shatters the soul
Even though I hid as much from myself as she
Death I tried as well

Sacrifice what I must, my shadow was in sight
Outward I searched glimpsing not within
Addicting dangers of darkness
Power to mold, to see
In the flood beauty was swept away
It constrained me not
Except by invisible silken ties

Nursing seeds of bitterness I stared deep
For I was sure the dusk hid within the night
My goal I could not find
For a unknown goal remains unfound
I left behind the shattered beauty of light
Seductive velvety night called to my follower
Not to I

To late I understood the true nature
Darkness and death once tasted blind
Temporary though they are, beauty endures
Blinded, the dawning was almost to late
I discovered
Shadows can only be seen in the presence
Of the light



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