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"but i don't want him here mom" i whined, following closely behind every step she took in the kitchen like a little kid.

she placed the rack of cookies into the oven and nodded in accomplishment after closing the door shut. still completely ignoring my presence. "mom please tell uncle henry to rent him a condo or something like he does every other time" i continued to whine, this time tugging at her shoulders.

"tiana he's a sweet kid, sure he's a little spoiled but that's the whole point of henry sending him here" she rolled her eyes at me "so we can humble him a bit"

"humble him?" i repeated in disbelief "humble that wildebeest of a human? thats impossible" i crossed my arms over my chest before falling into the stool in defeat.

i've been whining and crying to this lady for days on end about him coming and she hasn't loosened up on the idea a bit.

me and her both know he's gonna get here, put on a show for her, then turn his nose up at me the moment she leaves. he's so fucking spoiled and ignorant the ONLY redeeming quality about him is he's tall. but height doesn't help you out when your personality makes you butt face ugly.

he's not even really family.

my uncle henry is just my moms best friend from high school who caught a break and successfully opened a chain of amusement parks. he would be the walt disney of america if it didn't already exist. somehow they're still super close and treat each other like family. which means i see johnny at almost every family gathering, every holiday, and now even on my summer break.

just his name disgusts me... johnny.

"i'm not asking you to be best friends with him okay, just be friendly" she squeezed my arms as she pleaded "friendly is not too much to ask for, i raised you well enough".

i rolled my eyes and muttered under my breath in protest.

the doorbell rang and i felt a chill go down my skin. he's here. "speak of the angel" my mom smiled at me brightly before walking towards the front door. "i think you mean speak of the DEVIL mom" i managed to yell out just before she was face to face with the demon in question.

"oh my god... is it me or did it just get really chilly in here" i started to fake shiver and rub my hands against my arms in a search of petty warmth. we eyed each other in disgust before i turned around in my chair and faced the other way direction.

"tiana, cut the dramatics" my mom sternly rebutted. i could feel her stare on the back of my neck.

i could hear them hug from behind me and i quietly faked gagged.

"its good seeing you again auntie claire"

"it's good to see you too, come on in baby. i just put some cookies in the oven" i heard my moms heels click against the floor closer to me. in an instant her hands were around my shoulders and turning me to face the beast she called her nephew.

he smiled brightly "don't tell me you made your famous homemade chocolate chip cookies just for me"


"you know everytime you're in town i make you something. thankfully this time i didn't have to drive them over to you" they shared a laugh together.


"i know, i'm happy to spend this summer somewhere i actually call my second home"


they continued to exchange small talk and somehow during that time i slipped out and managed my way upstairs. he's already putting on a show for her and it hasn't even been a minute yet. i mocked him as i walked up the stairs, rolling my eyes and scoffing at the shit i repeated.

i took this opportunity to take a shower and get ready for whatever i was going to come up with to leave the house.

i quickly co-washed my hair and shaved my legs. of course i had to sing my ass off to summertime in paris loudly before hoping out.

still dancing i walked out the bathroom, towel wrapped around me and hair dripping onto the floor under me. thats until i bumped into johnnys shoulder. i looked up at him and he looked down at me, i could almost see the hatred spewing out of his gaze.

"you know you can't sing right?" he asked me emotionlessly.

"and you know you're built like a stick bug right?" i stuck my tongue out and moon walked into my room. flicking him off in the process.

i decided to keep it simple and put on a floral mini dress and some white sneakers. my makeup and everything in total took an hour, had to give myself that no makeup type beat.

within this time i also made plans to go to the outlets with two of my friends. we were all broke though so it was a window shopping kind of day.

downstairs i could see my mom and johnny laughing it up at the island in the kitchen. she was eating up everything he was giving her and she didn't care at all.

"oooo you look cute" my mom smiled at me.

"thanks momma" i smiled back, slowly grabbing my keys off the hook. she wasn't going to ask where i was going or nothing? johnny got her this whipped?

"so where the hell you going?" she finally asked, eyebrow raised. "to the outlets with aoki and bri, we're just gonna walk around downtown for a bit too"

"well then perfect timing because i was just about to leave, you can take johnny with you" she began grabbing her purse and other belongs scattered in different places between the living room and the kitchen. "i can take who where?" i once again followed closely behind her every move.

she stopped in her tracks "you heard me, take johnny with you or give me your car keys".

we stared at each other for a bit.

each of us waiting for the other to crack and settle. i knew it had to be me, it always has to be me.

"fine" i signed, turning on my heel to walk out the door.

"is that fine johnny? i don't want you sitting in here all alone" she looked at him with hopeful but stern eyes. "yeah of course, i haven't really been downtown here yet so it'll be fun" he replied, we could both tell he was hesitant but he wanted to please his dear auntie claire.

she clapped in fake excitement "good, have fun you two. johnny don't let her act a fool and protect her from any guys" she jokily pointed at him. he just laughed in response and shook his head.

"mom" i whined as always.

"come on kids, we're leaving all together. y'all aren't gonna wait til i leave then switch it up on me" she hurriedly grabbed johnnys arm then mine before both dragging us out the door.

this was gonna be a long day.

a boy and his maid [ johnny - nct ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora