"Aerly... Finally. We have been patiently waiting" her father spoke but even she could hear the annoyance in his voice.

"Apologies father. I was finishing my duty training the warriors" Aerly held her formal tone not even giving a hint away of her emotions "so where are they?" Aerly questioned once she approached and stood beside her younger brother.

"The soon to be Alpha had to take a call" Eli nudged his head towards the two large black SUV's.

"So he isn't actually an Alpha?" Aerly asked a little confused about the whole situation.

"Correct darling. Part of the reason why I am here to talk actually" the unfamiliar voice caught her off guard but instantly she regretted looking. Three large men stood in front of them Aerly knew straight away they were purebloods largely shaped men, arms that looked like they had spent their lives chopping wood, the elegant bone structure of their faces and of course the nails. Purebloods always had their claws extended except when they were going into the human territory of course but the full Lycans she detested so much wasn't the reason of her regret but the sheer fact of the man in the centre and once her eyes landed on him. Aerly knew the thing she had been dreading for these years suddenly became a reality. This man with cropped dark ash brown hair perfectly shaped facial features supported by a strong jawline hidden underneath a few days growth of facial hair, piercing blue eyes that seemed to of came to the same conclusion as Aerly. They were mates.

"Apologies for my daughter being late. She's been training our warriors" Will quickly apologised making it obvious he didn't want any problems with the young man "Aerly, this is Raiden Damery he's the future Alpha of his pack." Aerly stared at the man, her silver orbs couldn't seem to budge from his form as though taking all of him in. It wasn't until Raiden began to step closer did she respond more to her father's annoyance. She let out a fierce growl causing both men standing beside Raiden to quickly stand to attention.

"Aerly!" Will scolded his daughter who didn't budge but held her position. Her canine fangs threatening to extend but Raiden seemed to signal to dismiss his men.

"It is quite alright" was all Raiden said as he continued to approach her. Aerly didn't move but growled as though warning him off but the young man didn't seem to listen but instead took his stop directly in front of her. Aerly eye level now just below his shoulders but despite the height difference she kept her eyes on his own maintaining her harsh glare. No one said a word unsure of how to respond to such a situation an Alpha She-wolf baring her fangs to a pureblood Alpha male was unheard of. They had all been quick to submit or show their respects to the young man but of course not Aerly, never Aerly.

"Aerly, please... Calm down" Rose suddenly whispered to her stepdaughter but it was as though Aerly was in her own world.

"Alpha Damery certainly she doesn't mean it. She's just quite protective of our home" Will attempted to explain but Raiden shook his head dismissing the older man's excuse but he couldn't control the smirk that began to spread across his lips. They were unsure how he would react to such defiance it would usually be called for a challenge and the wolves would fight however Raiden didn't seem to have those intentions instead the young man reached out his large clawed hands causing all of Aerly's families to wince not knowing what was to come however Raiden simply let them rest on the woman's shoulders his fingers resting against the tops of her shoulder blades before he suddenly leaned closer and let his forehead rest against her own.

"What is going on?" Eli questioned his father in a whisper.

"He is ah... Showing her his respect" Will replied practically dumbfounded at the scene.

"Easy now darling" Raiden whispered enough only for Aerly to hear. She wished she could have fought harder to continue growling but under his hold it was impossible. The glow of her eyes were quick to dim and the extended teeth retracted and she was just Aerly once again with her forehead leaning against the larger man's and it was much warmer and comforting than she cares to admit, his eyes seemed to search hers for a single moment longer before standing himself back up and removing his hands to straighten his black button-up. The rest of the group stood dumbfounded never seeing a pure-blood show sign of respect for a regular wolf let alone a she-wolf.

"Umm.," Eli muttered out before clearing his throat in the awkwardness that seemed to now hang in the air.

"Now..." Raiden's eyes remained on Aerly for a second longer before turning to her father as though nothing had happened "shall we continue with our meeting?"

Fates Bond: The True AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now