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When Luca told me that Zayn found someone else, I was extremely pissed. He also told me that Zayn likes him, and he changed for him. What the hell?

I know I broke up with Zayn because he wasn't giving me attention, as a model I deserve all the time in his world okay. Zayn is mine, since the day I laid eyes on him. Yeah, I did break it off, but it doesn't mean he need to go and find someone else.

And especially a disgusting prostitute. Who wants to date a slut that spreads his legs for everyone he sees for money? Does Zayn have no standards? I am gonna get Zayn back one way or another. 

Baila told me to leave Zayn alone, but how could I? He's a billionaire who would keep my career going till the end of my life, and he's easy to manipulate too. The perfect guy for me. Just you wait Harry, you're gonna wish that you haven't ever met Zayn in your entire life. I am gonna ruin you Harry and Zayn is gonna be my puppet again.

I am on the way to go to Beverly Hills from New York to meet Luca, so that we could execute our master plan. Luca would get his businessman Zayn back, and I would get him to be mine too. Can't wait?

After one day


I am waiting for Elle at the airport. How could Zayn break up with her? She had the looks and Zayn had the businessman composure before that bitch Harry came. They were a power couple, but Zayn is fucking blind.

I can see why he liked him though that body, that ass, those curves, that innocent face. He's a sexy beast. I want to have a taste of him, after I execute the plan obviously. 

I see Elle, I walk up to her. She's looking good. When Zayn and her were dating, we had sex behind his back multiple times. I know it's illegal to fuck a best friend's girlfriend, but if you thought Zayn and I were friends. You are highly mistaken, I was just using him for money. Since he changed, we need to get him back one way or the other because money is on the line.

"Hey Elle."

"Hi Luca, how are you?"

"Not okay, since everything is ruined due to Zayn, how about you?"

"I am not fine either, since Zayn belongs to someone else now."

"We could discuss how to get him back over coffee Elle." 

I offer to carry her bags and she says a "thank you" and we walk out of the airport to my car together. 

Let our plan begin.


I called Harry yesterday to extend the contract for some more days. I don't want him to go back. But I am scared to love Harry, what if I break his heart. For the love of God, he said yes to the contract.

For the past six days, I had an undeniable connection with Harry. I have never felt this spark with anyone in my damn life. I am currently going to Perrie's to ask for advice. Since she knows about relationships more than I do. She's engaged, so she obviously knows about it more than I do. 

I am at Perrie's workplace which is a fashion agency called 'Trendsetter', she's really good at designing clothes and her price is also really affordable even to the middle class. She loves what she does. 

I fell for Perrie once, but it turns out that she loved girls. I was sad but I found a good friend in Perrie. She's not like that asshole Luca, who acted to be my friend just so he could get extra money and get into Harry's pants.

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