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It was the last day we all had together. Cesar, Carlos, Monse, Ruby, Jamal and I. Monse and I were headed to a creative camp for a few weeks and we all decided to hangout one last time.

"Do you see him? I don't see him." Monse asked as we sat on the rooftop across the street from where the party was. We were looking for Carlos and Cesar. 

"Something bad is happening guys. I can feel it." Jamal said, wringing his hands.

"Well, pop a zannie, J. We can't see them because they're being stealthy." Ruby, one of my closest friends in the entire group said. I met Ruby in Kindergarten. Some kid was trying to take his fruit snacks and I told him off. Since then, we've been inseparable. Monse, my sister, was known as the 'Honey Badger' of the group. She's got what me and her consider 'no filter'. She just doesn't care.

"No doubt. He's got this. Since when has Cesar ever disappointed?" Monse asked. 

"4th grade. Kickball tournament." Jamal answered immediately. 

"Only because I picked the kid with no skills." We heard behind us. "And I'd pick you again." Cesar said as him and Carlos stood behind us. 

"Loyalty trumps victory, compa." Carlos said. 

"Take it in. This will be us. This is high school." Cesar said as we looked across the crowded house party. We all took a drink of the beers Cesar and Carlos got for us. 

"Ruby, do you think your brother's going to marry Angelica?" Monse asked as she spotted Ruby's brother. 

"No idea. Mario doesn't tell me anything." He said. 

 I zoned out as I sipped my beer. I'm about to start high school with my best friends. Everything would change soon, hopefully for the better.

 After a few minutes, there was a clatter. I looked up and there was a guy holding Ruby by his neck. 

"Let him go." I snarled, throwing my beer aside and standing. 

"Eyeing my girl, Cabron?" He snapped at Ruby. 

"No, God no. I'm not into blondes." Ruby rambled hoarsely.

"Easy dude. He does your mom's taxes." Carlos said.

"Mrs. Guzman right?" Cesar interjected. 

"Yeah. That's her." The guy said as he let Ruby down. Ruby scurried back to our group. Just then, another guy came up. 

"Yo, what are you doing? Those are Spooky's little brothers." He said as he gestured to Cesar and Carlos. 

"I didn't realize it was you. Tell Spooky that Sad Eyes sends his respects." The guy said. 

"Thank God for your brother." Ruby said to Cesar. 

"Don't. Thank God for better things." Carlos said. Carlos and Cesar, their brother was a leader of a gang. A terrible gang. We heard a gunshot and we all ran.

We made our way to Ruby's house. Mario and Angelica were outside arguing, which wasn't anything unusual. We skirted around them and headed inside. Ruby and Jamal parked themselves in front of the window in order to try eavesdropping on Mario and Angelica's argument. The rest of us took up residence on the couch.

"What's going on in your heads?" Carlos asked Monse and I. 

"Nothing. Our brains are completely empty." Monse hesitated. "It's just... Do I really need some stupid writing camp? And does Kaiden really need band camp? I mean, he's an amazing musician! I just don't want us to waste our summer."

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