Chapter 1

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Every night before going to sleep my mum used to read me fairy tales.

And I blindly believed that every princess has her prince.

But when I grew up, I realized that dreams are only made for losers.

In the real world there's no such thing as fairy tales.

In the real world, there's only bad people and bad things.


"Naomi?Wake up sweetheart!"

I opened my eyes and I saw that we have already reached Seoul.

"Sweetheart wake up!! You can sleep peacefully once we reach your new apartment" 

"OK fine"

"OK now help me unload the boxes from the truck"

While I was unloading the boxes, something fell out of the boxes.I picked it up.It was the picture of my dad feeding me my cake on my 5th birthday.I smiled cheekily like a fool but didn't noticed a tear slipping my eye.

"Naomi you good back there?"

It was the sound of my brother.I quickly wiped my tear before he could notice it.But he noticed it.

"Hey hey there champ what's that?"

He took the frame from my hand and saw the picture.

"Do you remember the night before how he surprised you by inviting your favorite cousin?"


"And then I smashed your face with a pie"

We giggled like idiots.

"Well that's all gone now..."

"No it's not Raymond!What if dad comes back?"

"He won't.Don't you remember what happened that made him leave us?"

"Yes I do."

"Now all's well that ends well.Now it's time to throw that picture away."


That is my brother Raymond.He's 25 and working in the entertainment company called YG as bigbang's manager.Yes the 5 kings of Kpop. And I am Naomi.I'm just a 17 year old who is gonna study in SOPA and spend the rest of my shitty life in Seoul.I looked at the house.It was like a typical Korean house.How i expected it to be.

I unlocked the front door with a spare key that my mom gave me

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I unlocked the front door with a spare key that my mom gave me.I opened the door and the smell of roses hit my face like a tsunami.I went further inside and opened the bedroom door.It was kinda simple so why not decorate it?


After hours of unpacking and decoration,finally my room was ready.

After hours of unpacking and decoration,finally my room was ready

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I gave my a good job and went straight to bed when my phone went off alerting me that i got a text.Honestly, I don't text anyone nor I share my number but when I saw the text.It kinda I don't know made me question myself?


Naomi:Who are you?

Unknown:You may not know me but I know you.


Unknown:And that pajamas look cute on ya!

Naomi:What how do you know?

I looked out the window but there was no one.Brushing off the thoughts I went to take a shower leaving the phone on the bed.

Unknown:I'm watching you.

Unknown:I have my eyes on you.XOXO Unknown. :)


Wooh chapter 1 finished!Lemme know in da comments whatcha think bout it!


XOXO Unknown{G-dragon FF}Where stories live. Discover now