chapter 1

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"Mary?"asked mum with a silent voice. "We need to talk."

Well i know i am in a bad situation if mum speaks like this but i still go to talk to her.

"What happened , mum?"

"My dear girl, i know it is hard to tell you but i have to..."said mum with a sad voice.

"Go on,mum."

"Well, i have to tell you that we have to move in Los Angeles. I know you love these places but we really have to do this." Mum said with a shaking voice while i was staring at her with my mouth opened.

"Is this a joke?"i asked still shoked. "It is far away from these places,mum. What made you make this decision?"

"This doesnt matter, i cant tell you. I am sorry but tomorrow we leave so make sure you say goodbye to all of your friends from here and pack all of your things. I will talk to your teachers and tell them you have to leave."said mum and left the kitchen.

I was in a big shock. I live here for 15 years. I know my neighbours and friends from here and i love them. I like this house, the memories i have here. But the worst thing, how could i leave Criss, my BFF? I mean we know each other for 15 years, we love each other , we share a lot of secrets, or should i say we shared?

I am about to cry but i am not tipe. I have to be strong, no matter the situation.


The next day i started packing my things and when i looked in an old drawer, i saw some pictures with me and Criss. We were here, celebrating my 5th anniversary with my parents and relatives. I really started crying. How could mum to that to me?! This doesnt matter, i need to talk to Criss. In 10 mins i got ready and i was on my way to her. She doesnt stay far, only 2 streets distance. When i got in front of her frontdoor, i rang but nobody answered. Then i remembered she had a key under the rug. I looked there and found it. I unlocked the door and found her there crying in front of the door.

"Omg, what happened to you?"i asked terrified.

"Well, i just have to leave this house. We are moving to New York."she said in a shaking voice.

I just stared at her. I couldnt say a word. I cant tell her i am leaving, she will be destroyed.

"Well, i have a bad new too. We are leaving too. But in fact, i am moving to L.A."

I think she was as shoked i was when my mum told me this.

"Well, all we have to do is to enjoy our last day together."she said getting her tears off her eyes. "Lets buy ice-cream, shall we?"

"Of course, criss. Lets bring our memories back."i said and then left the house with her.


I know the begining is not very interesting but when she will arrive there, i promise i will write a lot of interesting things. I know i am not very good at english and sorry for any of my spelling or grammar mistakes. I promise the next chapter is going to be really good.

The beggining of the finishWhere stories live. Discover now