Omakes 2!

74 3 0

[The Real Owner] (Plot Convenience Store)

Me: Oh he's back, but with his brother.

Star: Damnit, he's back again? He doesn't even know who Ruki is, and he dares to show his face around here again.

Tenn: You two are still going on about that?

Riku: Who are they talking about Tenn-nii..?

Tenn: No idea..

Me: We're talking about them. *Points to Ruki*

Ruki: Sup.

Me: They're the one who came up with the idea of this shop, so they're the real Owner.

Tenn: Ok then..nice to meet you I guess.

Star: They request a lemon or omake, I do it..If I have time. Which I have plenty of.

Tenn: Oh my god you're talking about some weird lemon stuff again..

Riku: We still don't know what they mean about that.

Tenn: So, they're the one who basically suggest or requests these things?

Me: Basically. Well, now Tenn knows about Ruki.

Ruki: Yay!

Tenn: What is with these people..And how the fuck do they know my name..

Ruki: We know everything!

Riku: That's, kinda scary..

Tenn: Ok, we're leaving before they start talking about weird fangirl stuff..

Riku: Alright.

Me, Star and Ruki: Yeah, that's right, run.

Me: They still never bought anything..those motherfuckers..

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