Chapter 13: Falling Apart

Start from the beginning

"Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!" Gandalf yelled at Pippin as he slammed the book shut and took his hat and staff back.

The relief was short lived as drums booming were starting to be heard. Gandalf slowly turned back to face the well as did Pippin and the rest of the Fellowship. 

"Frodo!" Y/n said pointing to his waist.

Frodo pulled Sting from its sheath to show that it was glowing blue.

"Orcs" Legolas said as he could hear them better with his elf ears.

Boromir rushed away from the group to the door to have a look outside the chamber. He pulled his face back just in time as arrows hissed through the air and land in the door in front of him. Aragorn dropped the torched he was holding and ran to Boromir's side to help him barricade the doors.

"Get back! Stay close to Gandalf!" Aragorn yelled as he ran past the hobbits.

"They have a cave troll." Boromir said with sarcastic relief as a strangled bellow could be heard just outside the closed doors.

Legolas tossed any sturdy weapons he could find to the two men to blockade the door. Gandalf tosses his hat as he draws his weapons and gathers the 5 Hobbits behind him. Pippin, Merry, Sam, and Y/n brandished their short-swords as Frodo clutched Sting in his hands.

"We'll get through this alright?" Y/n whispered to Frodo, trying to reassure herself and Frodo.

"Argh! Let them come! There is one dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath!" Gimli growled as he leapt onto Balin's tomb.

The doors began to give way as creatures on the other side attacked them. Weapons could be seen through the doors as the doors began to break apart. Aragorn and Legolas stood poised with their bows ready to shoot. Once there was a clear gap in the splintering doors Legolas let loose an arrow. A shrill cry rang out as Legolas' arrow hit its target. He quickly notched another arrow as Aragorn lets loose his arrow. What remained of the doors suddenly crashed open as the creatures burst into the chamber. The battle began as armor clad orcs charged the fellowship who engage in return. Aragorn and Legolas fought some of orcs off with their arrows as Boromir kills other with his sword. With a roar, Gandalf runs into the battle with the Hobbits yelling right behind him. The hobbits pause mid fight to get out of the way as a cave troll smashed through the doorway. Chains could be seen, attached to the cave troll's wrists, which was held by an orc. Legolas shot an arrow at the troll but merely grazed its tough calloused skin. Sam came to his senses first as he dodged the cave troll swinging a mace at him. Sam dove under the troll's legs and crawled away as the troll turned to swing at the Hobbit again.

Y/n took her turn at the troll by swinging her sword at the troll's leg. She made contact but like Legolas' arrow barely made a scratch but enough to make the beast cry out in pain. However, the cave troll swung its enormous hand at Y/n and knocked her into a corner. Y/n winced as she sat up but threw her arms up as the Cave troll raised its arm to strike her when, suddenly, the beast fell back. Aragorn and Boromir were behind the troll, pulling on its chains. The troll twists its arm back and whips Boromir across the room. He lands in a recess of the wall with a thud, dazed. Across the chamber Aragorn notices the orc above Boromir, about to strike the dazed man and throws his small knife into the orc's neck. Aragorn nods to Boromir as the Gondor Man stands up and tosses Aragorn back his knife. On the other side of the chamber, Sam was surprisingly holding his own with a skillet.

"I think I'm getting the hang of this." Sam exclaimed as he turns and hits another orc with his skillet.

"Look out!" Y/n yelled as she pushed Frodo, Merry and Pippin apart as the cave troll swung its club at the Hobbits.

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