This was one of those times.

He knew there was something wrong with Harry, and no one was telling him anything. Harry was his best mate! Why wouldn't anyone inform him of what was going on?

Ron popped his back, stretching up from doing the dishes. Honestly! Why did Mum make him do this when she could finish this job magically without breaking a sweat?

Women were strange.

He attacked the pan he was working on with new vigor, as if the cooking utensil could tell him all the secrets of the universe. Or one secret in particular, he thought.

He didn't notice as his parents came back through the floo network. Therefore, he also didn't notice how they were looking at one another gravely.

He did notice when his father put a hand on his shoulder and said, "Ron, come to the living room. And, sit down on the couch."

Filled with a sense of dread and anticipation, he complied. Would they finally tell him what was going on? Or had he done something?

Mum looked at Dad, seemingly nervous. Dad cleared his throat, clasping his hands on his lap. They were sitting in two chairs across from him. This was looking more and more like he was in trouble for something!

"Ron," Mum started.

"We went to Hogwarts today," Dad finished, sighing. He rubbed his palms on his burgundy trousers. "And, we learned that Harry was injured."

Ron was stunned. "Injured? While he was at his aunt and uncle's house?"

For some reason, his parents cringed at that. "Well, he was captured by Death Eaters."

"What?!" Ron yelled, but his mum shushed him.

"We did get him back," his dad said quickly. "None of your siblings know, though. We thought it best that Harry should tell them what happened on his own terms, but you're his best friend. You'll be visiting him soon, perhaps tomorrow."

Ron was still stalled on the part where they said Harry had been captured by Death Eaters. "Death Eaters? Is he okay?" he rasped.

They looked at each other again. "For the most part," his dad said.

"For the most part? What does that mean?"

Mum winced, but it was barely visible. "He has some severe injuries that Madam Pomfrey wasn't able to heal all the way. It would be prudent of you to prepare yourself for Harry's... appearance."

Ron was aghast. "Is it really that bad?" he implored hoarsely, praying that this was some practical joke.

Dad's lips vanished as he nodded, looking away. Ron slumped down, thinking of the horrors that must've been inflicted upon poor Harry at God-only-knows where.

"Also, Hermione is coming over to spend the rest of the summer here," Mum added. At least there was some bit of good news.

"Oh, and Ron?" Dad said as he was about to leave the room. "Harry seems to have a new pet snake. Don't be alarmed when you see her."


Ronald Weasley was very alarmed when he saw her. In fact, the ginormous snake draped all the way across Harry's bed was the very first thing he saw.

He heard someone chuckle, and Ron's eyes were drawn to the source.

Oh, Harry, he thought. This is worse than I expected.

Safe to say, a night's sleep (with an unhealthy dose of nightmares) hadn't done Harry Potter any favours. His face was extremely pale, making the still-angry marks on his face stand out even farther.

The Huge Magical Snake ProblemHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin