Something Normal

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- Felix's POV -

Hyunjins heartbeat continued to race but other than that he was seemingly normal. Chan stayed in the room to watch over hyunjin, I went to chans room and went to sleep since it was now going on about 3 in the morning.

[Next morning]

I woke up earlier than expected probably because of my anxiety I quickly got out of bed and made my way to the guest room, Chan was surprisingly still awake sitting in a chair by the window staring out of it.

C: it's still early go back to sleep

F: no I'm fine

C: your so stubborn

F: I know

I heard him lightly chuckle and I pulled a chair over placing it across from him and sat down.

F: how's he doing?

C: nothing seems to have changed his heartbeat is fast paced but I'm sure you can hear that, a mild fever but that's about it.

F: well that's a relief

C: why don't you go hang out with your friends we have a week to get through

F: but what about you and then hyunjin

C: stop worrying I'm fine, and I'll watch hyunjin if I get tired seungmin or woojin can fill in for me. I don't want to make your life any less normal than I already have, go and have fun distract yourself ok. Please

He looked at me almost as if he was begging it hurt my heart to see him so desperate so I didn't argue

F: alright I'll see if jisungs awake, text me if you need me

C: I always need you

F: you can't tell me to leave and then say something like that!!

C: haha I'm sorry go go I'll be fine

I sighed to myself and walked out of the guest room and called jisung

{Phone call}

J: hello?

F: hey you busy?

J: not really I.N is still sleeping so is Minho

F: Minho is there still?

J: haha yeah

F: ooooh yeah I forgot you both confessed on the ferris wheel

J: h-how did you know that

F: I heard it haha

J: I'm really starting to hate this wolf hearing crap

F: haha shut up I'm coming over

J: alright see you soon

F: bye


I took a quick shower and got dressed making my to jisungs house. Chan was right I need a distraction something normal too much has happened to me these past months. I didn't phase so it took me a bit longer to get to jisungs house, when I got there he was sitting outside

F: hey!

J: took you long enough

F: yeah sorry about that

J: come on let's go inside

We went inside and sat on the couch jisung grabbed a coke from the fridge and handed it to me.

F: thanks

J: no problem, so what's the plan for today

F: I didn't think about that, something close and safe

J: agreed

Out of nowhere someone came around the corner with messy hair a white t-shirt and boxers

M: hey why'd you get out of bed

J: oh sorry Felix stopped by

M: oh hey Felix

F: so you guys shared a beddd

J: shut up lix!

F: haha sorry not sorry, anyways how about we go to the arcade like we used to always go to

I.N: arcade?

F: innie your awake!

I ran over to him and hugged him he looked so frail his eyes were puffy and red

J: yeah we're all gonna go to the arcade wanna come

I.N: to be honest I just want to go home, sorry guys

F: awe no it's fine

J: I'll call your mom to come pick you up

I.N: thanks you guys

Jisung called I.N's mom she was here in less than 20 minutes, we all bidded innie goodbye and resumed our plans

J: poor innie, but like we were saying let's eat and then headout, what do you wanna eat cereal, toast, eggs?

My stomach growled as soon as he mentioned food but I didn't crave cereal or toast I needed meat, it's been a while since I've hunted

F: I don't really eat that kinda stuff anymore

J: lame your missing out man, well go catch a deer or whatever it is you do haha but hurry up I wanna leave soon

F: haha alright, Minho you wanna come

M: actually I wouldn't mind I haven't eaten anything in a while let me just get dressed first

F: alright

After Minho got dressed we headed out to the woods behind the house, while walking I realized I had never seen Minho's wolf form before. Just as the thought crossed my mind he phased after spotting a small deer up ahead, his fur was a sleek grey it was so pretty I stared mesmerized till my stomach growled and I phased instinctually after hearing another deer in the distance. I ran towards the animal launching straight for its neck, while eating Minho spoke up

M: hey I want to apologize for what I said before

F: what do you mean

M: for how poorly I talked about chan and the rest of his pack and how I told you to leave... You guys are like a family I can see that now

F: it could be your family to ya know, you can always come back

M: do you think Chan would allow that

F: of course he would, your a good person Minho

M: t-thank you..

F: of course haha, also do you want the rest of this deer it was bigger than I thought

M: haha sure

Me and Minho finished eating and headed back to jisungs house making sure to phase human before people could see us, we walked inside and jisung sat at his dining table watching stand up comedy videos on his phone

F: we're back

J: finally

F: oh shut up

J: anywaysss you guys ready to go

M: yep

F: definitely

J: then let's go!


(Felix and Minho are becoming friends yay lol Chan is trying his best to make sure Hyunjin stays alive, will Minho rejoin the pack)

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