Chapter 2

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I was not looking forward to this. Not one bit.

I clenched my jaw with annoyance as my mother tightened the corset. She pulled it until it felt like my ribs were snapping and I was struggling to breathe.

"Mother, I think this is fine," I muttered our, as she decided to pull even more.

"You need to look perfect, Persephone. You're of age now, we need suitors lining up for you,"

I rolled my eyes at her and thanked the Lord when she finally decided to stop and tie it up.

I thought I was going to die.

I looked myself at the mirror in front of me and frowned at how unnatural my waist looked.

"Stop scowling, you'll get wrinkles," Mother fussed and I refrained from rolling my eyes again because she was watching.

No wrinkle, no crease graced my perfect mother's face. She almost looked like she was my age.

And she wasn't, not by a couple of hundred years.

She held up my dress, smiling at the extravagance of it.

It basically said, spring, spice and everything nice on it

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It basically said, spring, spice and everything nice on it. And it was a pretty dress, but I hated it. I hated everything about it. Only because it was a dress my mother chose for me, because everything I was wearing, everything I would be doing was all in her control. I was merely a doll for her to puppeteer. And I hated it.

There were snapping fingers in front of me and I blinked out of the rumbling anger in me. My mother was standing in front of my impatiently snapping her fingers in my face like I was some dog.

"Stop daydreaming and put the dress on, we're going to be late,"

I sighed and took the dress from her hands, suppressing the urge to tear it apart, to say 'no'.

But I actually enjoyed eating dinner every day.

So I didn't do anything but obey her.


Plastering a smile on my face, I faced my mother as she commanded me to twirl for her.

The dress was a pool of shimmering gold hugging my body and turning into a waterfall of material down to the ground.

My hair was down and in curls, no jewellery on me except a simple glimmering bracelet on my wrist.

She smiled, satisfied with the way I looked.

"You look so beautiful," She said, clasping her hands together, and for a second my frustration towards her dimmed, and then she said, "Hopefully beautiful enough to find you a suitor. I'm thinking a Lord, or maybe a God!" She chattered excitedly, as she brushed away invisible dust of the skirt of the dress.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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