I love you pt.3

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Kendall P.O.V

In my head I could see a bright light, I feel like Im slipping, until I see thomas.

Did he end up in the hospital, is okay, did he die...

My anxiety shot through the roofs as i felt myself breathing, heavily and deeply, my eyes went wide open, like it was all a dream.

I couldnt quite figure out where I was, why there was a needle in my arm, why there was so many beeping noises, why were the lights so blinding, who was holding my hand...

I look over and see him, the one who I fell in love with over social media.

It was Thomas...

"Thomas... tommy... Im awake, look at me, Im here..." I moved my hand a little so he could feel that I was up, but nothing happened, "babe, bubs, hey hellllooooo, look at me.... why are you ignoring me...."  

Silence took over the room, I tried to scream, but not a peep came from my mouth.

was I dreaming, was this real, did I lose my voice.

Thomas P.O.V

Something was off, I felt her twitch, was she awake, no she cant be, the nurse told me she slipped into a coma and wouldnt wake until about a month or two....

What was happening.

Flashback to the night before

the nurse came in 

"Is she okay" Thomas asked

" she will be fine... but, she might not come back for a while"

"What do you mean she wont be back"

"She is in a coma, her possibles of waking up will be in a month or two. Im sorry you have to go through this, but she will be just fine, you just have to stay strong and be by her side, think positive, dont put yourself in a bad train of thought, that shit will cloud over you, even when everything is fine and the pain is gone."

end of flashback

I cant even look at her without crying, i want her to wake up and smile and shower me with love

I want her to say its okay, that she is awake and she wants taco bell and chocolate...

Kendall P.O.V

I sat up and I guess he got the memo that I was awake and ready to party... jk

He slowly looked up at me "y-you- you cant be- your- your awake, I cant believe it holy shit your awake!"

I smiled, I knew everything would be okay.

"Theres nothing you could do or say, I cant escape the way I love you... my tommy boy"

sorry Ive been super duper quaduper late and inactive, Ive been dealing with school,  10th grade is not that bad, but it also feels like hell.... hmmmmm.

but I will try to keep a weekly post... fr this time {fr fr fr this timeeeeee, cuz you make my earfquake} sorry... but if I dont update I will post on the timeline talking about why Im not

I hope you all had a great thanksgiving 

let me know what kind of chapters you all would like next or if you have a new book idea for me i am open to starting new books!

this was really short due to me genuinely not knowing what to write

xoxo,    Jazzy

Love you all my  lovelys  😘

The Beautiful and Damned { an Instagram story } • Thomas Barbusca Where stories live. Discover now