Can we SKIP it!!

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It was a beautiful Sunday  morning for Peter. The sun shone bright on his window ,birds were chirping ,kids were running down the street,the giggles were like a song today. What can he say, today was just perfect because it was his birthday.

He had a wonderful week, lab time with Mr. Stark, training with avengers, flash as on a sick leave, aunt may didn't burnt any food for WHOLE WEEK,now that is just perfect. And yesterday ,Pete had a pre birthday party with Ned and MJ at McDonald's because they both were going to be busy due to family commitments today. Not that Peter complained ,he knew they never leave his side unless very important ...

So Peter was happy is least one could say ,he was on seventh cloud ,and was planning to settle there , with his family (avengers )  and friends.
."Happy birthday baby boy!!"(it's not dead pool) aunt May called as Peter entered the kitchen wearing his best science pun T-shirt and jeans, along with his bright eyes and beautiful smile.

"Thank u aunt May" Peter said as May kissed his forehead .

"So Pete ,till when do  think they will reach here " may said as she continued making her special walnut and honey loaf.
"They said they will be here by 5:00 in the evening. They just have a meeting with Mr. Fury and later a small training session" Peter said as he continued to stuff his face with cereal.

"Nice ,and yaa Ned and MJ came in early morning today ,they didn't want to disturb your most needed beauty sleep so they just drop these off"she pointed at a bunch of gifts lying on the sofa in living room.

"All of these "he was surprised with by seeing the number of presents ,present in the room :p..

"Ooh some of them are from the hospital ,u remember Maggie and Alex and Martha. They brought u some gifts, for their 'little genius'
And those two boxes are from Ben's colleague from preceint, Hank and Terry. They send their best wishes to u"

Peter just smiled with a wet shine in the eyes .  Though Peter had only two close friends ,he had many good acquaintance. Going with May and Ben to their work,made him the favorite kid around the work place.
He remember playing in the kids ward with other kids when he go with May and his special small desk at the preceint when it was Ben's turn to keep him company. As a tear left his eyes , a smiled covered his face .

He just shook his mind from happy sad memories to back to reality .

"May ,just remind me to give a visit to preceint on Tuesday afternoon and also I will come with u to the hospital tomorrow. It's been a long time since I have paid them a visit"

"Sure Pete "May said giving a reassuring smile. Over the years ,since Peter was left with them ,May have learned the art of understanding Peter's unspoken words. Although he can ramble about a stupid topic over hours ,he was never able to tell what he feels in very verbal sense . But May knew how to read his eyes.

"Hy ,know if u are finish eating ,help me to set a table for avengers and a CEO of the biggest company in the country" May spoke to break the naustalgic silence.

Yup this was another reason for the perfect day of Peter Parker . Avengers were going to celebrate the birthday of their favourite spider baby at his home. Although Tony tried to convince to have a small birthday party (small on Peter's request ) at the tower ,but May was adamant enough to invite the avengers at their small apartment in Queens. Though the apartment wasn't big enough but the hearts of Parker's can fit a universe within, avengers were still a small part of it.

~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~

"May!!!They are about to come .Ms. Natasha just messeged me,they are around the corner"

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