𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝒆𝓻 𝟏𝟔

Start from the beginning

- I came to see if everything was going well, and also so that your son could see you in action. One day, he will have to take over. Sloane replied in a neutral voice

- What are you implying, Grand Admiral? Brendol replied in a suspicious tone. Are you threatening me?

- I'm just stating a fact. You don't want your work to continue in the coming decades? It seems to me that your son would be the right person to continue your work.

Brendol Hux simply blew out his nose and swept with a wave of his hand in front of him, as if he was trying to get rid of this ridiculous idea in his eyes.

- First of all, what is he doing with you? Brendol asked as he pointed to his son with a gesture of his chin.

- I also came to request a conversation with you, Hux. In private.

- Well, it'll wait until after practice, Sloane. He cut off in a dry tone before returning to the children.

He clapped his hands to indicate that the fight could resume. The young Archex took the opportunity to jump on his opponent and hit him in the face with a stick. The boy fell back, knocked out. Sloane was impressed by this child's intelligence, he was so young and yet he seemed to master his weapon perfectly. He had been able to be fast and smart enough to win the game.

Brendol applauded as he pushed an exclamation of joy tinged with pride:

- Ah well done Arch'! That's an excellent strategy, certainly a little primitive, but it's still ingenious. I'm putting a lot of hope on you, boy!

He gave a few friendly pats on the boy's back, a radiant smile on his face. Armitage had observed the scene and was amazed to discover his father as patient, caring and kind. He had encouraged this young boy, even congratulated him. Never in his short life had Armitage been allowed to do all this. Jealousy crept into his heart, his eyebrows frowned as he stared at the boy so beloved by Brendol.

He wanted to destroy it, to make it pay for being so admired by his father. While he was reaping only contempt, ignorance and punishment. A sense of injustice added to the jealousy. His eyes filled with tears. Sloane had also attended this difference in treatment. She could see that the little ginger was going to start crying. She then discreetly placed the palm of her hand between the young boy's shoulder blades and gently touched his clothing with her fingertips.

Later that day, Sloane was to go to Brendol Hux's office. As promised, she was going to have a little private conversation with him. She couldn't bear to know that this man was hitting his child. What kind of father would do such a thing? So it was with rage in her stomach that she knocked on the door of her office. He quickly opened it to her and looked at her with his empty and contemptuous gaze, before inviting her in.

- I came to bring you this. She simply said by placing a data block on her desk. It contains the coordinates of the assembly point in unknown areas. Our final destination.

Brendol observed the block for a moment, no reaction appeared on his face. Sloane then took the opportunity to put a completely different thing on his desk. It was Gallius Rax's bloody cloak. By this manoeuvre she clearly showed her interlocutor that she was dominating the conversation. But also that she was dangerous, despite what Hux might have thought. He observed Sloane who continued:

- Look, you don't like me and that feeling is widely shared. But if we are to contribute to the preservation of the Empire we must be allies. Although I don't like it.

Sloane knew that Hux would not like a woman talking to him like that, but she certainly didn't expect what would follow. The man had thrown himself on her to grab her throat with his huge hands. Shocked but reactive, she kicked him in the knee to make him back off. He twisted in pain. She took advantage of this moment of weakness to grab a clump of her hair and hit his face. Her fists hit him without restraint, she kicked him until he collapsed to the ground squeaking.

- If you ever piss me off, I would inflict the same violence on you a hundredfold. Whatever awaits us, you are with me. You will not betray me. You won't question me. Understand?

Brendol nodded, his eyes streaming with tears. He stammered that he was his ally. Sloane then added:

- Your son. Armitage. I know you don't like him. I know you hurt him. Psychologically and physically. You're going to leave him alone. And you will teach him everything you know. Is that clear?

Again, Hux nodded to indicate that he had understood. She hoped then that the father would stop torturing his son. That he was going to teach him his knowledge. The Empire needed new blood. His Empire would not die today, or any other day. It would be eternal.

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