[8] fire, blood and angel wings

Depuis le début

Magnus looked towards Clary and Jace, with Rowena stood behind them, "It's a wall of fire that only the pure of heart and intention can pass through. Are you ready?"

All four of them started walking forwards towards the fire, as they entered Magnus, Jace and Rowena got transported into Ragnor's house, however, Clary came out the other side. The three of them had been tied up in chairs in one of Ragnor's rooms. They all tried to get out but heard Clary's voice. Jace shouted for her but Rowena and Magnus knew what kind of spell was on them.

"That won't work Jace." Rowena snapped, watching as Clary came in to view, she looked at the painting Ragnor was hiding in and pulled him out.

"Well done... Clary Fairchild. I've been expecting you. You have Jocelyn's talent, I see. Only a true artist would notice the subtle changes in my eyes." Ragnor explained.

Magnus and Rowena sighed, "You need to work on..." Magnus started.

"Yes, I know I need to work on not moving my eyes, you don't need to remind me!" Ragnor complained.

"You knew my mom?" Clary asked, pulling Ragnor's attention back to her and away from us, who she couldn't see. Ragnor nodded, "So you made the potion that put her to sleep?"

Ragnor nodded again, walking away from Clary and gesturing for her to follow him. "At her request, yes. And I knew it was only a matter of time before you came to me looking for the antidote. Please, sit."

Clary sat down on a stool in between the two chairs Magnus and Jace were sitting on, "My friends, Jace Wayland, Rowena Cohen and Magnus Bane. They were with me, but I lost them in the fire."

"If you could just untie us and unspell us..." Magnus started.

Ragnor became agitated at Magnus' constant requests and shouted, "Let me do this my way! Your friends, are they true?"

"Magnus said he's known you for centuries and Rowena said you were one of her oldest friends. Magnus sent you a fire message."

Jace got extremely annoyed at this point, "Give up your act!" He yelled.

"This is not an act. It is not an act! It is essential." Ragnor shouted, pointing furiously at Jace.

Clary stood up and yelled, "Okay, what is your deal? My friends are missing and if you can't help me, I'll find someone who can."

"What is it worth to you?" Ragnor asked, intrigued by Clary's desperation.

Clary sighed, "You find my friends and wake my mother... I'll give you anything."

"That's what I wanted to hear." Ragnor teased and untied Magnus, Jace and Rowena. Rowena sighed, touching her wrists which ached slightly from the ties.

Magnus also sighed as he stood up, "Honestly Ragnor, was that nonsense necessary?"

"Yeah, Rag." Rowena started, "That hurt."

Ragnor laughed, "Of course it was necessary! She offered me anything. You were only up to a timeshare of your flat in Paris. Yawn."

"All right, enough with the warlock games. Can you really wake my mother?" Clary asked, getting more frustrated with every second that passed.

"Not without the Book of the White." Ragnor said. Rowena took this moment to wander around the room they were in, to her it hadn't changed for years.

"Thank you, Rowena." Ragnor said, holding the vial of blood he had taken from her wings.

Rowena stood up from her position on the bed and contracted her wings back into her shoulder blades, "It's no problem, really, I mean as long as you use that blood in the right way, it could save lives."

Ragnor sighed, putting the vial into a safe and locking it with a spell, "I will. I'll use it to help people. And it will help a lot of people." He came over to give Rowena a hug before opening a portal for her to get home. "Stay safe, my dear Roe."

"I will. I'll see you soon, Ragnor." Rowena waved at Ragnor before heading through the portal.

A harsh screaming noise sounded through the house and Ragnor's screams could be heard for miles. These sounds were enough to pull Rowena out of her daydream to see that Ragnor had fallen from his balcony, a demon disintegrating above him.

"Ragnor!" Magnus yelled as the four of them ran over to where he was laying on the ground.

Jace looked around, "Shax demon."

Magnus held Ragnor in his arms as he gasped for his life, "Creature took me... by surprise." He got out in breathy whispers.

"How could a Shax demon get past Ragnor's wards?" Clary asked, her face holding a rather large degree of panic.

Jace continued to look around where the group was sitting to check for more demons, "It must have followed us. Jumped through when the fire wall reset."

"Be still, my little dear cabbage." Magnus spoke softly towards Ragnor. "Your wounds are deep. Hold on, please." Tears fell from Magnus' and Rowena's eyes as Ragnor took his last breaths. "For centuries, this man knew me better than anyone."

"Magnus, I'm so sorry." Clary said as she and Jace stood up.

Rowena stood up too. "I'm going to check the perimeter, then get back to New York," She stated as she walked towards the window, ignoring her friends' protests and conversation. She started to jog as she jumped from the window, her wings sprouting out of her shoulder blades as she flew through the London sky.

A/N: Thank you soooo much for 224 reads! It means so much to me that people are actually reading this book! Hope you are all enjoying it!

Luv u xxxxxx

Edit: I didn't realise that part of this chapter was accidently written in first person until a few hours ago so I've just changed that bit so it makes more sense :) And this book has 270 reads now! Thank you so much! xxxx

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