Book 1 : Chapter 24

Start from the beginning

"No but I plan on getting one, I'm finna start my orientation at this STNA/Nursing home job I plan on to stack" Jocelyn said. Justice thought that sounded pretty much like her job. "Oh word? What's it called" Justice asked. "The Hilary" Jocelyn replied. "That's crazy cause that's where I work. Me and my bestfriend".

"Oh yeah I like you already! You pretty and you in yo bag? Bitch we gone have a good time" Jocelyn said laughing. Jocelyn was pretty, she was light skinned with light brown eyes like her brother. A nice shape, not to little and not to much. Kind of like Justice shape but a little more hips. Jocelyn and Julius basically looked alike but Jocelyn had dimples and braces. "Definitely" Justice smiled.

"Ayoooo" Julius yelled ringing the bell on the Pizza Hut counter. Moments later a dark skinned chick walked to the front. Her hair was everywhere like she just had got fucked. "Hey how can I help you?" She asked. "Lemme grab a pepperoni pizza. Large, with a Pepsi" Julius said handing her a fifty dollar bill.

Every since Cartel put Julius on to the game he ain't been broke since. Shit he even quit his McDonald's job. He started being more in the streets lately selling his product, he loved how Cartel and Kentrell never had to work and sat on they ass all day making thousands. One day he was gone be like that but it take work, time and patience.

"About fifteen minutes" the lady said before disappearing to the back.

Julius felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He took it out and looked at a message from Kentrell. It read.

Kentrell : We need to talk. Come outside in five minutes.

He immediately thought about Justice being at his house. He texted back saying he wasn't at home, he was gone be there in ten minutes but Kentrell texted back saying he would wait. Julius stomach started tightening. He already knew what Kentrell wanted to talk about. Cartel told him a week ago that Kentrell found out about him and Justice. He didn't really care because he figured they were done but if he would've knew Kentrell wanted her back he wouldn't have stepped on his toes even though they weren't that close how him and Cartel was.

"How long on the pizza?" Julius yelled. "It's only been five minutes" the lady laughed. Julius frowned. "Damn it don't take that long to throw a fucking pizza in the oven!" He yelled. "Actually it does. You want a cold pizza?" She asked annoyed. He glanced at her but walked away before he said something ignorant.

He sat there for ten minutes until she came with his pizza and Pepsi. "Have a nice day" she smiled. Julius snatched the bag and stormed out. He hopped into his car and sped off. He was only five minutes away from home.

Kentrell arrived at Julius house. He was about to sit there and wait on Julius but he spotted Justice car. He immediately hopped out his whip and walked up the stairs to knock on the door. Seconds later a lightskinned girl appeared.

"Damn what you forgot your key?"- She smiled but her smile quickly disappeared once she seen Kentrell. "Who are you?" She said shutting the door a little.

He stared at her, she was gorgeous as hell to him. He almost drooled like a corny nigga. "Wassup Justice here?" He questioned. She turned around like somebody was behind her.

"Justice?" She asked confused. He could tell she was lying. He pushed the door open and Justice stood there with a dumb look on her face. "Yo you don't see how dumb you look over here?" He asked walking up to Justice. "Um I don't know if your suppose to be here" Jocelyn chimed in. "Yeah what you doing here?" Justice questioned with her arms crossed. "Let me holla at you, let's go you coming with me" Kentrell said leading Justice to the door. "Get off me I'm not going nowhere with you!" She yelled yanking back. He kept a tight grip on her arm. Jocelyn just stood there. She didn't wanna get in Justice business she just had met her.

"Tell Julius I'll be back" she said before getting pulled out the house. "Bitch you ain't coming back here. Stop playing with me" Kentrell said throwing her into the passenger seat. He walked around to get in the car but Julius car pulled in right behind him.

Julius got out with a dumb look on his face. "Wassup man?".

Kentrell walked over to him. "Ain't shit up. Back out so me and my bitch can leave".

Julius looked towards the car and shook his head. "You bouta leave Justice?" He asked. Justice was about to speak but Kentrell interrupted her. "Didn't I just say we finna slide my nigga?" Kentrell asked getting heated. He already wanted to beat the shit outta Julius.

Julius wasn't scared of nobody but he knew Kentrell and he knew how he get. He wasn't finna loose his life over no bitch. At first he ain't care because he figured they were done but shit fuck it. Justice a be back if she really wanted him as bad as he wanted her.

"Aight bro" he said before getting in his car. Kentrell walked back to his car and got in.

"Stop leading these fuck niggas on. You gone get em killed" Kentrell said before starting his car up. "Yeah, your one of em" Justice said starring out her window. She kept asking herself what was she doing. She didn't want Kentrell anymore, it's been a good two weeks since they had fought. It really wasn't shit to talk about. She was over him. But at the same time she didn't wanna get Julius hurt in the process so she figured she would go with him and hear what he had to say.

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