Why willpower Triumphs confidence

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Im going to explain to you why the man with more willpower will best the man with confidence.

When you have confidence it means you see yourself as likely to succeed. Overconfidence or Cockiness is when you believe you will succeed without a doubt and that you are better than everyone else at what you are doing.

Willpower is hard to define. But the most basic way to say it is the will or internal strength to go on no matter the surcumstances or what others have told you. The strength to go on no matter who or what stands against you. No matter how hard it is or impossible it seems. No matter how much you get knocked down willpower is whats going to bring you back up.

There are many examples to explain why willpower triumphs over confidence.

If you have confidence but not much willpower then you wont last long.

If two guys get into a fight well when the man with willpower gets knocked on his ass hes gonna keep going. When the confident man gets knocked on his ass hes going to lose his confidence and have to rely on willpower. What if he has none?

Human beings can lose confidence. It can be knocked out of you or overwhelmed out of you. But willpower prospers. When someone has a lot of willpower its not going to go away. Willpower is in the MIND. A strong mind has a lot of willpower. a mans willpower will keep him going until his body gives out on him, he succeeds, or he dies.

A man with the confidence that he can rob another mans house breaks into a home, the father stands in front of his family to protect them, the father gets shot in the chest but does not break, he does not fall, the father rushes the man and knocks him to the ground receiving another gunshot to the side, he beats the robber within an inch of his life and once the man can no longer cause harm to anyone the father stands and walks over and hugs his family and finally passes out. He had the WILLPOWER to take the hits and keep going because he wanted to protect those he loved at all costs.

You will not lose your willpower if you truly have it. It doesnt go away until you succeed, cannot continue, or death must stop you.

Willpower is one of the strongest things any creature is capable of. It is the reason we keep going, the reason we push through the hard times.

If you have lost your will to go on I will give you a reason to keep going.

You are completely unique. You are not the same as any other human being that has ever existed or will ever exist. You are here on earth once and only once. You are capable of so much. If life gets hard dont give up. It is just another chance to prove yourself. To show how you differ from others and how you are not just another human being you are a gift to this world and that you should make the best of what time you have here. Some people say life has no meaning or lacks purpose well they are WRONG. If you need a purpose then let that purpose be to show the world how great you are. Sure it might take time but one day you will be able to show the world something great. Every human being has a purpose. They affect everything around them and other human beings around them. Be an inspiration to others not a depression. Help the human race prosper not crumble.

You may be young and not see your purpose yet because you are YOUNG. Its too early to see your purpose. But you need to find it. Thats what life is all about. Finding your purpose for living. Not one human being has lived without a purpose.

When someone dies prematurely it means that they were not able to see their purpose. That is one of the most tragic outcomes out there. It is why suicide is such a painful thing. When you take your own life you have cut off all the branching possibilities of what you can do in life. You have potential no matter what you or others say.

Live through the hard times and you will prosper with a purpose.

Willpower is the key to success.

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