Chapter 1

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As (y/n) made her way to the train station some people roughly shoved past her, making drop her umbrella and fall to the ground into a large puddle making her clothes get completely soaked

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As (y/n) made her way to the train station some people roughly shoved past her, making drop her umbrella and fall to the ground into a large puddle making her clothes get completely soaked. She glances up to see some girls from her school laughing as they looked her before leaving her there alone in the rain. (Y/n) groaned in annoyance now that she was all wet. She sat there thinking how unfair it was that she has to go through this every day, all because she was quirkless. As she gets all her things together suddenly someone put an umbrella above her head and held out their hand in for her to grab. (Y/n)'s eyes widened and looked up at the person.

"Come on get up (y/n)...



(Y/n)'s eyes quickly open to see her friend Izuku Midoriya standing in front of her trying to get her attention. "Huh, I'm sorry what were you saying Deku?" She asks and he just sighs. "I was saying that we should hurry up or we're going to be late for our first day in the hero work-study with Sir Nighteye." (Y/n) completely snapped out of her thoughts and began to panic. "Wait, really then let's hurry up then!" She shouts as she began to run to Sir Nighteye's agency with Midoriya quickly catching up to her. "You sure you don't want me to carry your cannon for a bit (y/n)? I feel like it slows you down a lot." He says glancing at the giant gun that was strapped to her back. (Y/n) smiles at Midoriya and nods. "Yeah don't worry about it Deku I can handle it and besides it doesn't really slow me down as much as you think. I've been training with it for so long I've gotten a bit used to its weight."

Once they arrived at the agency they went to Sir Nighteye's office and saw him waiting there along with Mirio and Bubble Girl. "Oh, you guys made it." Mirio says happily before walking up to them and he immediately began to observe (y/n)'s cannon. "So this is the weapon you use to fight (y/n), it's way bigger than I thought it be." (Y/n) laughs and removes it from her back so Mirio can take a better look at it. "Everyone says that when they first see it. It wasn't my choice for it to be so big, my dad was the one that went a bit overboard when designing it." She says before putting it back on her back.

Sir Nighteye stood up from his desk and goes up to them. "Now that you all arrived it's time that we get down to business. Today we are going to do patrols and surveillance, Mirio, you're with Midoriya and (l/n) and I'm going to be with Bubble girl." He takes out some files and puts them on the desk for them to see. "Surveillance?" Midoriya questions as he looks up from the files. "We're currently working on a secret investigation on the Shie Hassaikai  which is a small organized crime syndicate." Sir Nighteye then pulls out a picture of Chisaki and shows it to them. "That's Chisaki Kai as the young head of the group he's second in command and he's behaving strangely lately. We don't have evidence any evidence yet but we have reason to believe that he made contact with the league of villains." Deku looks up at him surprised. "Our objective is to tail them and find what they're up to but be careful not to arise any suspicion." Sir Nighteye says and notices that (Y/n) was staring at the picture of Chisaki intently. "Is something the matter (l/n)?" He asks causing her to snap out of her thoughts. "O-Oh no it's nothing, sir, sorry." She says placing the picture down. Sir Nighteye stares at her for a minute as if he was in deep thought before nodded and letting them leave.

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