Chapter 2

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Jamie stood silently watching her. In his polished armor he looked every bit the lion his named declared, yet his face was so sullen it sent a chill down Brienne's spine. Behind him, Kings Landing lay in a smoldering ruin. His deep green pleading eyes pierced her soul. He mouthed her name, but she could not hear his voice. Brienne longed to reach out, to feel him. She stretched out a trembling hand to touch his face. She tried with all of her might, but the distance between them only grew with each attempt. Suddenly, he began to fade from her view. She screamed his name. It was like watching him leave her and being powerless to stop it all over again. As he vanished, his image was replaced by Oathkeeper. Straight and strong, the sword with which Jaime had gifted Brienne still connected them. Her Valerian steel weapon shone and glistened. A powerful testament to the bond they had shared. Her eyes grew wide with wonder as the blade seemed to take on a life of its own. Then, in the silence as Jaime Lannister disappeared completely from her view, a gentle snow began to fall.

Brienne bolted upright from her slumber. Her lungs, starved for breath, gasped in oxygen but it burned them with its purity. Drenched with sweat. Her chest heaving. Tears streaming down her face. Brienne blinked with disbelief at the clarity that filled her mind. If she were ever to move on, she now understood what it was she needed to do.
Lord Tyrion sat pensively at his desk in the modest study that had been repaired for him in the Tower of the Hand. Although he was enjoying his work for King Bran immensely, and was honored by his new position, he was still greatly troubled by the events of the recent past. He had come to terms with the madness to which his Queen, Daenarys Targaryen, had succumbed. In a strange way, he could not blame her. He doubted many could have held long to their sanity after having lived the life she had. He did not even hold Jon Snow culpable for her death. He knew how much the young man had loved her, and how taking her life had scarred him. Perhaps it had been a necessary wrong.

Still, the memory of finding Jaime and Cersei in the rubble continued to haunt his dreams. He grieved for his sister, and lamented the monster she had become. Through an objective eye, Tyrion understood that Cersei's actions in life had earned her that end a thousand times over, but not Jaime. The fate of his beloved brother ate at Tyrion. The worst part was knowing the truth which he could not tell to anyone. Each time he looked at Brienne his heart ached for her. He fought himself daily not to reveal what he knew. A truth which could change her life forever. Although every part of him wanted to divulge the fateful knowledge he carried, Tyrion could not break his word. Sadly, he turned his face to the east and lost himself in thought.

After some time, a soft tapping at his door pulled Tyrion from his thoughts. "Enter." He called, standing.

The heavy paneled door swung inward, and Ser Brienne walked into his office, a nervous expression on her face.

"Ser Brienne." Tyrion brightened. "Saying your goodbyes?" He smiled.

"Well...Yes." Brienne stammered. She would, of course, wish to bid Lord Tyrion farewell before embarking on her journey North. That was, however, not the reason she had sought him out this day.

"It seems our King has the utmost confidence in you." Tyrion said, almost proudly.

Brienne nodded. "It appears so." She's answered shyly. "I shall do my best not to disappoint him."

"I am sure you will not." Tyrion praised. He remembered how valiantly Brienne had defended Winterfell. He was glad Sansa would have her close by. Although their marriage had been anulled, he cherished his friendship with The Queen in the North, and knew that Brienne would do anything to ensure her safety and security. It was then that Tyrion noticed the large thin parcel in Brienne's arms. It was carefully wrapped in the finest silk.

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