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Lets start!
Annie POV:
The other girl wakes up and I'm guessing smells the food cause she looks right at it. She goes to pick it up and sees the bandage on her hand

Girl: who put this on me?
Annie: i did
Girl: oh ok thanks
Annie: no problem..oh and by the way i never caught your name?
Girl: i never threw it
Annie: i mean—😂
Girl: i know😂 Its lexi!
Annie: oh ok cool
Girl: yep... *starts eating*
Annie POV: there is an awkward silence.
Annie: i think we started off on the wrong name is Annie as you may know and I went to school with Mackenzie and we were friends till recently..
Lexi: Im lexi as you know😂
Lexi: and im sorry for when i yelled at you
Annie: its sorry too
Lexi: friends?
Annie: friends!
ANNIE POV: we both smile. I look over at kenzie which is in the corner of the cell. She looks mad..oh well! I hear someone come to us
Guard: im taking the trays back now
Annie: but she only just begun eating!
Guard: are you talking back to me?
Kenzie: yes she is
Annie POV: i look at kenzie terrified and angry! WHY WOULD SHE DO THAT? Oh no the—
Guard: time for the torture cell! Get up newbie!
Annie POV: i gulp and stand up. I look at lexi and she is looking at kenzie. The guard unlocks the cell door. He grabs my arm and pulls me we go again..we start walking
Guard: Annie right?
Annie: uh yeah?

Bad Love [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें