Character creation + rules

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Okay character creation first, if you have one just say 


Link for the dice:

Copy it and put it into top bar of link doesn't work 

If not you can make one now

Name: your choice


- Cleric

- Dragonborn

- barbarian 

- fighter

- bard

- rouge 

- wizard

- ranger 


Race, any within reason

No shadows or demons plz, no teleportation glitching either, not until you learn the spells 

Level, all start at lv.1

I will tell you when you level up and what you gain

Health, dexterity role 

Stats, 4 d6 dice, add them together and take the lowest off you number

Magic, cantrips 

Link for magic and spells :

Same as before if link doesn't work

Clerics, +3 cantrips and +2 lv.1 spells

Wizards, +3 cantrips

 Bards, +2 cantrips

If your a high elf you gain wizard spells 

And then you choose your weapon and all armour starts at 12, speed is 30 and your initive is your dexterity modifier 


- no lying on what you role on the dice

- don't be op at lv.1 

- don't bully other ppl

- dont be unfair 

- wait for everyone to have a turn 

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