He smiled,waved goodbye and went on his way. I carried Type towards our dorm room. I laid him down and started taking off his clothes. I took a bowl with warm water, a wash cloth and started wiping him. Once I was done,I changed his clothes and went to the bathroom myself to wash up and change as well.

My phone lit up and I can see I got a message from N'Ran.


P'! Just got home 🤗


Glad you got home safely,
now go to bed. I'll see you


I will P. Thanks for
hearing me out today.


Thanks for today as well.
Now go to sleep, quit stalling
or I'll cancel tomorrow


Ack! Anything but that.
Fine! I'm going to bed.
Sweet dreams P'


You too N'Ran

With that, I smiled. This kid is kind of persistent but it's kind of refreshing. I actually felt wanted. Maybe it's not so bad, it's definitely something new.
(A/N: Damn! Is it bad that I want him to be with my Ran than Type? I know he can treat Tharn better. Lol!)

I laid down in bed and put my headphones on. I listened to my favorite song as I text Ran the details for tomorrow. Believe it or not,I'm actually excited about it. I close my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to the sunlight hitting my face. Tharn actually forgot to close the blinds, I opened my eyes expecting to be naked and Tharn right beside me. But I was wrong on both accounts. My bed was clean,I was fully clothed and no Tharn in sight.

I thought that if I had drunk myself silly, then it would have been an excuse for him to ravish me and do whatever he normally pleased to my body. Bur he didn't and I found it annoyingly strange. It was almost 11am and he isn't here and didn't even leave him a note. I took out my phone and texted him.


Where are you?Can
you get food?


I'm out with a friend
for brunch. Can you wait
'til I'm done or you really


Are you with that
guy?and yes,I am starving!


His name is Ran,and yes
I am having brunch with him.


Why?Just come back
and bring me food


I was the one who invited him,
why do you sound annoyed?
Are you jealous?


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