Chapter 2

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"When you walk through a garden, which flowers do you pick? Why, the most beautiful ones, of course."
     From the time the world was created, there have been only two things: Life, and Death. These are the things that define every moment of a person. Everyone wants more time in Life, but what they don't realize is that perhaps Death is the more pleasant reality. For Death consists of all the people who Lived so fully that their time came early. It must, for their boundless minds cannot be contained by the waves of Life. In this way, they enter the world of Death, where they can live to their full potential.
    "That, dear child, is why you are here."
    Until she addressed me directly, I had barely realized she was speaking. Her words had hypnotized me, flowing through me without me fully comprehending their meaning. I snap out of the spell as their meaning crashes into me. "But you said you picked me?" My mind is screaming at me to run far away from her velvety snake tongue, but I need answers.
    "Yes, child." She takes a deep breath and looks out at the black horizon as if she can see something I can't. I want to smack her to get her to hurry up, but it is obvious that her power is far outside the reach of human hands. "I am Life. I have selected you above all the tiny, pitiful beings in that place you call earth because you have something greater than all of them. Something that will be of no use at all in the flicker of light that is mortal Life." I start to say something, but she holds a finger to her mouth and my words are stolen. She continues,"However, you will be of utmost use, and you will experience far more, while in the realm of my lover. He is Death, and now he is your life."
    Before I can form a single word of protest, she grabs my hand again, and we are flying through the black horizon that we had been overlooking. An instant later, we land in an open throne room the exact opposite of the one we left. There is a huge window looking into what must be pure light, for I cannot even bear to look at it. Instead, I focus on the walls, which are made of a rippling black material. The floor is made of the same material, except for a path down the middle of the room of the most beautiful jewels I have ever seen. It enthralls me, and I bend down to run my hand across it. My fingers get close to their shimmering surfaces when every facet turns to black. I wrench my hand back, and I am pushed into a crouch. Life pushes on my head and hisses, "Bow," I stay in that position, frozen with fear as footsteps approach. Despite my terror, I glance forward for a split second, just long enough to see the ruby eyes and emerald scales of two enormous snakes. I jerk back, my fear paralysis returning in full. I close my eyes tight, breathing shallow breaths as the forked tongues reach my face and caress my cheeks. I know their poison is about to course through me when they suddenly withdraw, replaced with gentle fingers that somehow feel just as poisonous. The fingers tilt my head up, and a voice commands me to open my eyes. I try to resist, but I cannot.
    I am looking into the eyes of a man who can only be described as a chaotic peace. He is the eye of a hurricane, the ghost of a once-populated town, the deadly silence after a horrific bombing. He looks like he could rend her soul in half with a single look, but he also looks like he could be the favorite grandfather. He smiles at her. "Rise, Moraine."
    He used my name! I thought I would be 'child' for as long as I would be down here. I stand slowly, and face the two opposites before me. If she's Life and he's Death, then them together must be Judgement. Death speaks, and my trial begins.
    "You've brought me another human."
    "She's amazing. One of the best I've seen yet."
    "So I see." He doesn't move, and it's only then that I realize how tense the moment is. Perhaps Life's words about Death were only partially true. He might be her lover, but an estranged one.
    "Please..." The word is barely more than a whisper of air, but it carries all the weight of a thousand words. Life, for the first time, is out of control.
    Death meets my eyes with his piercing black ones, and in an instant he knows everything. I am laid bare before his gaze. I want to hide. He laughs. "I will take her. This truly is a remarkable child you have brought me. Thank you." Just like that, the tension disappears. Death takes Life in his arms and kisses her, then she is gone.
    "Come, Moraine, let's find a place for you." I am still frozen. I don't want to do this, but it seems like I have no other choice. Death turns back again and gestures. "It's time for you to begin your new life in Death."

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