Chapter Twenty-Two: The Case is Closed

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Stepping into the police station Jay hesitated for a moment, unable to believe that it had only been two months earlier that he had been rushing out of the very same doors and just down the street was where Caitlyn had been taken. 

It had taken longer than he would have liked to return to work after what had happened, every day that he'd been sat in the hospital had been another where he couldn't search for Caitlyn. 

Once released Will had struggled to stop him from starting his own search for her, insisting the Voight and the team would handle the case while Jay recovered at home from his injury. 

However, no matter what anyone said or the promises that they had made they were no closer to finding Edward and Caitlyn; with each day that passed the case became colder and the threat of having it closed grew. 

Jay swore that he wasn't going to give up, he couldn't just abandon Caitlyn to whatever fate Edward had planned for her; even with the discovery of Laura's body and the growing assumption that Caitlyn might also be dead. 

He didn't pay much mind to those around him or the looks that he was given knowing what they must have thought of him and what had happened to Caitlyn. 

Heading up the stairs to Intelligence, Jay just hoped that they would keep the case going; they couldn't help just give up on Caitlyn and leave her in the hands of a man like Edward. 

It had been Antonio that had broken the news to Jay about everything that was going on, what had happened to Caitlyn and how they had found Laura at the side of a road; the fact that Edward was her father changed a lot. 

"How are you holding up?" Adam asked spotting Jay as he appeared at the top of the stairs, he moved to greet his friend knowing the last few weeks couldn't have been easy for him. 

He couldn't imagine being in Jay's position and losing someone he cared about like that while he was trapped in hospital unable to do anything to happen. 

"I'll be better when Caitlyn's home," Jay told Adam, he wasn't going to lie and he could barely sleep wondering just what was happening to her; he doubted that Edward was going to be happy after killing Laura. 

His original plan may have been that he wanted to play happy families, that would have all come to an end the moment that he killed Laura and now he was still holding Caitlyn hostage.

"Dude... I thought you knew," Adam said looking over his shoulder towards Erin, almost wishing that she'd step up and break the news; he had thought the two were good friends but she hadn't been to see Jay since Laura had been found. 

In fact, she'd thrown herself into a new relationship and could barely look at Jay now that they were in the same room; if she stared any harder at the computer then Adam was concerned it would crack. 

"They've closed the case," Adam murmured not sure how Jay was going to take it, he reached out to rest a hand on Jay's shoulder wanting to offer him some comfort. 

The decision had not been an easy one and Adam knew that they'd exhausted all their resources, they had done everything that they could to try and find Caitlyn but Edward was good and had covered his tracks. 

Wherever he was hiding Caitlyn, it wasn't in Chicago and there was nothing that they could do; the room had been cleared and they'd already been assigned a new case. 

"You're kidding me, right?" Jay asked shaking his head, he looked around at the others waiting for someone to tell him that this was some sick joke; he stepped back from Adam not wanting to believe this. 

No one said anything and Jay couldn't help but feel betrayed, he couldn't believe that they were giving up on someone that they'd considered a friend; he wouldn't have done it if it was any of them. 

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