Part 4

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Eddie grabbed richies gloved hand and brought him somewhere, surprisingly calm. He sat down and patted the spot next to him.

“After all this chaos it’s nice to just have a chill space.” Eddie shrugged a bit.

“Yeah..” Richie hugged himself.

“You okay?”

“Yeah. Obviously..” They stared at each other.

“Weird question.. but How come you dont take your hood off? Doesnt it get hot ?”

“No..” he shrugged.

“I see.” He nods a bit.

Eddie wondered what Richie looked like

As Eren ate and began to wake up more, he began to hear faint steps. Having lived with the people in the bunker a long while, he could tell who that person is just by hearing their footsteps. But these, these weren't ones he heard before. He stopped eating, and set the can of food down, before getting up. "Who's there?", he asked, walking towards the noise. That was a stupid idea. Perfect for a horror movie starter though.

Hearing the sudden voice of someone, Alex panicked. They didn’t actually make a plan for when someone woke up.
Alex proceeded to trip and fall, making a loud crash before standing up and acting as normal as possible.

Richie and Eddie spent the next couple of minutes chatting, they got along great. Surprisingly.

Eren dashed over to where the loud crash was heard. He held out the spoon he used for his breakfast like it was a weapon. When seeing Alex he froze. His instincts told him to run, to flee. But he stayed in his place. "Who the hell are you? How did you find this place?", he asked /sort of/ cautiously.

“ I am Alex. “ They said in a monotone voice, holding their hands with the knife behind their back, knowing humans seem to get alarmed with sharp things,”I was brought into this establishment by two other inhabitants, they go by Clover and Nio.”

Richie looked at Eddie. He looked exhausted.

“Maybe you should go back to bed..”

“I don’t want to leave you alone though-“

“Trust me, I’m fine, I got your mom from company.” He tried to joke a bit.

“Oh my goodness- stop-“ he shoved Richie.

The monotone voice set Eren off, but he let it slide for now. He knows that Nio and Clover wouldn't just bring someone in. They must trust them enough to bring them here. "Well then, Alex.. The name's Eren. Welcome to our bunker.", he said, lowering his spoon.

“ W-why thank y-y-you.” Alex glitched out a bit, their voice box needed fixing, they just hit the side of their neck and continued.” Apologies, I have seem to have caught a virus from the outside.”

Alex tried their best smile, it looked somewhat sinister.

A cold chill ran down Eren's spine as he saw that smile, and when he heard the voice 'crack' a bit. He backed up a bit, hearing the word virus as well. "Uh, virus? Well, u h- we don't have much here for that, we only have enough for open wounds and such."

“ Do you have screwdrivers and e-extra s-s-s-scrap metal?” Alex spoke a little more cold, watching Erin as they noticed the defensive body movements.

'That's odd', he thought to himself. Straightening up, he cleared his throat. "Yep, we do. I'll show you to where they are, if you want.", hopefully that sounded a bit more hospitable. Eren's keeping his gaurd up the best he can, and hopefully his instincts were wrong about Alex being bad.

Steampunk/Post-Apocalyptic Au thingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora