How Grim Reaper met Voodoo Mama

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Originally posted on May 8th, 2014

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Long ago, in the Primordial Forest, home of the creator Polokus, everyone was living a peaceful life. There was no trouble anywhere there, everyone was respecting and helping each other. 

As the creator was looking out of his Snoring tree, he slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep. He started to have a dream. More like a warning. In one teensie kingdom which was far away from the Primordial Forest, the king of the teensies died. Everyone there was crying, sobbing, singing only sad songs about their great king. Polokus woke up.

"Oh, bubble me! Thats terrible! I can't allow such a thing!" so said Polokus. 

At that time, his wife Amabel the nymph arrived. "What happened my dear? You look so worried, I heard you saying something a moment ago." 

Amabel sat on his husband's knee to listen to his story. 

She got shocked. "I would not expect anything like that. What shall we do, my dear?" 

"I'm afraid we can't save the king's life," said Polokus. "However, I can give him a new form of life." 

Amabel was confused. "What do you mean?"

"I'll create a wise man who will take the lives of creatures to a so called "dead land". There, the creatures will live a different way, they will not live like they used to before." 

Amabel got sad. "Why this? Isn't there a better way?" 

"No, my dear. Nothing lasts forever. I want all my lovely creatures to live a happy life, but I cant give an immortal life to every single one. Still, I try my best to give them the happiness they deserve."

Next day, Polokus created said wise man. He was no living creature like Polokus would create. He was dead, even though he could walk and talk just like a living creature. He was created with pale bones, red eyes, brown cloak, 10 shiny red teeth and a powerful scythe. He seemed more scary, but he wasn't as cruel and aggressive as someone could think. Polokus wanted the wise man to be dead rather than alive. An alive one could easily die in his hard job. As soon as the dead wise man opened his eyes, Polokus started to talk:

"You are now called the Grim Reaper. I give you an ability no other creature can have. With this powerful scythe, you can turn any dead creature into living bones. It is your job to do that, that is your destiny. I also give you the ability to read anyone's past, like I can predict the future."

The so called Grim Reaper looked at Polokus. Immediately he saw his past, from his own creation to now. He saw everything that happened before him. He didn't need to ask why he was created because the answer was already in the past. Grim Reaper could finally go to start his only job it was given to him, but before that:

"The most powerful god, Polokus, I have one question though. If I turn the creatures into bones, where are they going to live?" 

Polokus didn't think about this fact. He had no idea about a place where the dead creatures could live. "You have a good point, Grim Reaper. Maybe you can try to find a place for them." 

Grim Reaper couldn't read the thoughts of Polokus, that wasn't his ability. From his past it could be said he really wasn't thinking about this problem, but there was no need to discuss about that and so Grim Reaper left the Snoring tree.

He traveled alone through many places, from dark forests to meadows. He couldnt find any good places for dead creatures. It had to be a place where no one else could go, where the dead creatures could be safe.

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