Loved Ones and Pain

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Masky's Point of View:

As I watched Toby sleep, his arm wrapped up and in a sling, I didn't know what I was feeling. I guess I felt a little like a stalker, but no, that wasn't it. What was this feeling? I made a not for myself to figure it out later. As I stroked his hair, I whispered,"Shhhh. It's ok. You're ok. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.". I whispered that over and over again for what seemed like hours. I knew he couldn't hear me, but that didn't matter. This was my fault. He was shot because of me. When he was waking up, I was told to leave, which I did, even though I didn't want to. Slendy seemed to be upset with me. It was probably because he told me to protect Toby, and that is exactly what I didn't do. It seemed that everyone was busy... except Jeff. Damn it! I needed to talk to someone, and I couldn't just talk to Jeff, but there I was, sitting down on the couch next to Jeff as he was sharpening his knife. Jeff looked over at me, with a weirded out look on his face. You see, we hate each other, mainly because he is a fucking idiot. "Jeff?" I said quietly. "Umm... are you ok?" he asked, looking confused. "Jeff... have you ever hurt someone you loved?" I asked. I WAS SO STUPID! WHY WAS I TALKING TO JEFF OF ALL PEOPLE ABOUT MY PROBLEMS? IT WASN'T LIKE HE WOULD UNDERSTAND. "Well... yeah I guess." he said, looking uncomfortable. This surprised me. "Who?" I asked. He sighed. "My family... I killed them, or at least I think I did. I went so fucking crazy that day. I know my mom and dad are dead... I'm not sure about me brother though. Why? Who did you hurt?". I told him. I told him everything. How cruel I was and how I failed to protect Toby. "How did you cope?" I asked him. "Heh, I didn't! You see how insane I am. Don't worry. I'm sure Toby forgives you.". He actually seemed sane for once. I thanked him and left. I was really tired. I hadn't slept since the mission. I went to my room and quickly fell asleep.

Masks and Twitches~Toby x MaskyWhere stories live. Discover now