The Tsundare sword

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Today was the day all four of the knight will hang out since meta knight got a letter for the smash tournament so he and kirby is going to leave tomorrow. Right now they are playing smash bros where meta knight is pretty much winning it against dark.

Galacta knight:you are losing edgy boy

Dark:I can see that feather failure

Meta knight:(😓)

Morpho knight:(Chuckles) hehe its amusing to watch

Cursed galaxia: then try harder pea brain

Dark: I am trying

But meta knight win that round while both of them were bickering

Cursed galaxia: if you had used your head you would have won

Dark:(eyes turned red) I would have won if you had shut up

Meta knight:(eyes turn green) both of you don't seem to get along with each other

Dark:(eyes turned pink) heh nah don't mind her she is just a complete tsundare

Cursed galaxia: I am not I hate to be struck with this brainless knight who is all bark but no bite

Morpho knight: if you don't like him then why did you choose him?

Cursed galaxia: I didn't, actually I never wanted to be with him but for some reason my curse doesn't work with him

Dark:(eyes turned blue) well that's simply because I am great , handsome and strong

Cursed galaxia: oh dream on pea brain. Your counterpart is alot stronger than you and could have defeated you that time if you had a fair duel. I would rather have him than you
I hate you

Dark:(eyes turned pink) oh don't worry I hate you as well

Galaxia: look like we get along even in the mirror world

Meta knight:(eyes turn blue and pink) yea seems so

Galacta knight:Haha ok now if you two done talking than why don't we play uno

Then they started to play uno where  the order was meta knight then morpho knight then Dark then galacta knigh . At first it was going normal until it's when Morpho knight used a reverse card and dark used a plus 4 card which made galacta knight have 18+ cards with him

Galacta knight:(is mad) morpho was it necessary to give me more you know that he had that card

Morpho knight: I know but it wouldn't be fun if I didn't

Meta knight:(eyes turn white) good nova

Cursed galaxia:well at least your great at something

Galacta knight: remind me not to play uno with you guys

Dark:(eyes turned pink) heh grow a backbone feather failure if you're scared

Galacta knight: ooo I will make you eat your words edgy boy

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