Chapter 2: Advice

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The teacher looked shocked and seemed to be getting ready to lecture Kageyama about skipping school. Until he saw the layer of sweat clinging to Kageyama’s skin, the blood drained from his face and his expression of pure agony.

The teacher quickly nodded in consent, urging him to see a doctor as soon as he got back.

Kageyama wasted no time and ripped his bag from the hook on his desk and rushed out the door, leaving a class of complaining students and a very bewildered Hinata.


Present time…

Kageyama’s stomach growled.

He grumbled as he reached to his side to pick up a half-finished blood pack from his bedside table and took a quick sip.

“Terrible,” he grimaced. It wasn’t as though he didn’t know it already was, but after experiencing a fragrance as delicious as that orange haired kid’s (Hinata was it?), he wasn’t sure if he would still be able to stomach the crap in his hands.

He settled for chucking it in the bin and just doing his best to deal with the hunger, because honestly, he didn’t feel like ingesting blood that made him feel like retching.

Maybe he really should get some of those pills. In fact they almost seemed necessary now. Kageyama seriously believed that he wouldn’t be able to last another day with his senses at the same peak of sensitivity as today. The thought of the expenses he would need to spend for them though, still had not fled his mind.

Or he could just transfer schools. But that would be putting too much of a burden on his parents, and he didn’t want them to go through the trouble of trying to blend in with a new neighbourhood. Plus there was always the chance that there would be another kid with a similar smell.

Or maybe he could just ask them about it instead? They should have experience with this kind of thing and maybe they could give him some advice. But he didn’t want to ask for help, not even from his own parents. One because he was lazy and didn’t want to move right now and two, he didn’t want to worry his parents. In the end however, he decided to swallow his anxiety just this once because he sure as hell needed help right now.

Kageyama grudgingly pushed himself off his bed and headed downstairs toward the living room.


The faint sound of the TV could be heard from outside the closed door to the living room and Kageyama was starting to get second thoughts. His parents didn’t often get downtime together and maybe he shouldn’t really interrupt.

Kageyama was about to rush back up the stairs when his mum walked out of the kitchen.

“Oh! Tobi-chan this is rare. You don’t often leave your room unless it’s for school or an emergency!” She laughed.

A pang of guilt struck Kageyama and he realised that the time he spent with his parents were even rarer.

“U-um… c-can I please ask you and dad about something…?”

Kageyama’s mum looked mildly surprised that her son had finally decided to talk to her and she smiled warmly. Kageyama’s cheeks burned a bright pink.

“Of course! Come into the living room, its more comfortable in there.”

Kageyama shuffled into the living room and was met with the same surprised expression from his dad. His face burned brighter.

“Have a seat,” his mum nodded toward an empty sofa. She picked up the TV remote off the coffee table and tapped the power button. The screen blanked out with a click.

“So, what’s bothering you?” Kageyama’s mum asked, seating herself into an empty space on the couch beside Kageyama.

“It’s… It’s about… you know… that,” Kageyama mumbled uncertainly.

His parents nodded, understanding where he was coming from and willed him to continue.

“Well… today at school, there was this kid, who… who…” Kageyama trailed off.

“C’mon, spit it out,” his dad rumbled, causing Kageyama’s heart to jump. But he knew that he didn’t mean any harm.

“There was this kid…” Kageyama continued. “That smelled really, really good.”

His parents stared blankly at him as though someone had just pressed the pause button in their lives.

“And is that it?” his dad questioned, looking like he was on the verge of bursting into tears. Tears of laughter.

“It’s not funny!” Kageyama yelled, the blush returning to his face. “I almost killed him on the spot! I mean, I almost just ripped into him!” He bared his fangs, trying to emphasize his point, but they were almost non-existent after he had filed them in the morning, so it didn’t quite work.

“WAHAHAHA!” His dad boomed. “It’s all good! You’ll get used to it sooner or later! I can’t believe you got worked up over something like this!” Kageyama even heard his mum giggling quietly to herself.

“Sh-shut up! Fine then! I’m not taking any advice from you guys ever again!” Kageyama stomped out the living room and up the stairs back to the comforts of his bedroom.


Kageyama flopped down on his face.

Dammit… he thought. They didn’t help at all. He swore he could still hear his dad still chuckling downstairs.

His thoughts floated back to the sweet scent of the small boy and his stomach did a flip. The remnants of the fragrance still lingered and shit he wished it would just go away.

His focus turned toward the spilled bag of blood with its contents splashed across the bottom of the bin.

God he was so hungry…

Maybe he shouldn’t have just chucked it away. Kageyama supposed he could always go get another one, but he sure as hell did not want his father laughing his ass off when he walked past the lounge.

 Ugh. He seriously did not want to go to school tomorrow.

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