Title needed(:

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* Hey guys! This is a teensy bit of something I wrote a while ago, it might not be that good but I need your criticism to decide whether or not to make it into a full-blown story.  So enjoy!*

 Chapter 1:

"Maisie?  Wake your lazy booty up! We're here!" Annette screamed in my face.  Looking out the window as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, I saw thath we had finally arrived at the cabin.  My grandparents had loaned me their summer home for the week so I could get away for a while with some friends.  I grabbed my messenger bag and jumped out the van to see Annette and her boyfriend Jake making out against a tree, Glenn and Cat streatching out, and Ashley (who we all call Knives because she's bipolar and tends to get a little violent) pulling the cooler out of the van.

"Ah! Maisie monster's awake!" Glenn yelled, doing his Godzilla impression.

"Oh, shut your face Glenda," I spat back, sticking my tongue out for emphasis.  He opened his mouth in mock shock and put a hand on his chest.

"That hurt ya know? I thought you were my friend," he said, which made Cat giggle.

"Okay, you two stop flirting and help me unpack!" Knives said through gritted teeth as she lifted a 12 pack out of the van and emptied it into the cooler.  As we started to unpack I tried to enjoy the quiet and take in the scenary; the deep green of the pine trees surrounding the cabin, the sounds of birds                 

and wild animals scuttling around on the forest floor-

"I GOTTA PEE!" Annette shrieked as she let go of her boyfriend and ran to the out house....

*Well there ya go! That's all I have so far but if youy wanna see more just ask and I'll think something up :D * 

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