Chapter 3.

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* Hours later *

The warmth of your blankets all over your body made you curl then strech a little. Then you curled again. Your eyes closed still. You had this fucking mind-blowing dream. A kind of wet dream, honestly. It felt so real that you could- 'Wait' you stopped in your mind and opened your eyes.

"B-Bakugo?!" You turned and saw no one by your side in your bed. It was a mess... Like whenever you wake up.

"It was 'just' a dream after all." You told yourself. The daylight made your eyes flinch. So decided to keep them closed for a few moments, using your eyelids as a screen while you rewinded your filthy dreams of last night like a movie. Everything felt so... vivid.

Then looked down and saw your clothes all over your room and remembered everything. "What a party, huh, Mina?" You giggled. And giggled more because you knew you had this great night having Bakugo involved. This last on your dreams, obviously. Your sored body was because you danced like you had not in a long time, so... Everything was in place.

You dragged yourself out of bed and had a soothing bath. You needed it.

Once you were ready for the day to come you needed some coffee, your daily fuel. But first, you aimed for some fresh air so you opened the crystal door and went out into the terrace. Your eyes slightly closed, rejoicing in the momento then stretched your body. It was irresistible not to.

The radiant sun felt amazing on your skin and as your lungs were filled in with the fresh air, your (H/L) hair was being brushed gently. The distant song from the birds was an oda to the beauty of this day.

"This is too damn perfect that it gives me the chills." You giggled. And so it happened.

Was it the coffee scent that your nose perceived? You weren't so sure. Maybe it was the lack of this that made you imagine it, even inhaling the recently browned coffee grains. Yeah. It was just 'you'.

Before you turned yourself in a battle position when you noticed another presence at the terrace's opened door, a husky voice came from the well-built man who held two cups of coffee.

"OI WAIT!" His red eyes widened in alert. He looked a little worried from seeing your hands about to throw some of your fire attacks. "It's just me... Ok? I made some coffee and wanted to bring you a cup since I heard you were awaken. Hope you don't mind I used your kitchen a little. I see you have an excellent taste on it since you have all those browning devices down there." He raised the steaming cups. "Here." He handed you one after approaching where you were. You barely held it without dropping it. You were shocked still.

'Wasn't it just a dream?!'

"Forgive me for freaking you out. Never meant to... Well... I definitely would kill some asses, being in a situation like this." Admitted. He definitely would explode the hell out of anyone who showed in in that way on him. "Also, I made part of my lifestyle being unseen because, well you know why. My bad. Sorry for being this sneaky." He apologized. "And then I forgot your hero instincts. Pretty good, I see." Took a sip of his coffee and then a deep breath, taking pleasure of his excellent work on the coffee, and the circumstances. He slowly breath out. "Good morning, angel."

There he was. Bakugo Katsuki smiling at you while having some coffee in the morning. Looking incredibly handsome, since his ash blonde hair was shinning bright under the rays of the sun, waving with the wind current. Wearing his black sleeveless training shirt and some baggy black pans. He noticed you staring at him, speechless. Everything seemed unreal.

"Oh, this?" He pointed his clothes. "You'll see, I always carry with the essentials in my car. I'm always prepared for anything." He winked at you.

"So... It really happened. It was real..." You muttered clearly flustered. You couldn't believe it. Your mind was runing at miles per second then you brought your free hand to your mouth, and your face became as red as the eyes who were gazing at you. "I-I thought i-it was just-"

"A dream?" He finished. His signature smirk showed on his lips. "So, you have some 'interesting' dreams about me, huh?" He got closer to you and his free hand caressed one of your cheeks. His grin went wider. "I'm pleased to know that so... From now on, whatever you dream about me, 'we' are going to make it true." He sipped his cup.

Your eyes opened up at him and your heart skipped a beat.

"K-Katsuki... I..." You cleared your throat, as the words were struck on it. You were flabbergasted. All you could do, was give him a wholehearted smile that warmed him straight in his soul, making him giggle on his mind.

"Come on, enjoy it before it gets cold." He looked at your hands. You followed him and saw your lonely cup of coffee, and took a careful sip. Taking care of its still high temperature, you lost yourself on the strong scent of your special blend spreading through your nostrils and throat. You loved tasting it completely. Damn it. It was fucking perfect.

The coffee. The sleep. The day. The view. The man in front of you. The... Sex?!

Fucking hell yes!

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