Y/N: Do they always do this?

She gave a nod still reading her book, and where they wer arguing I picked up the golden sword.

Kirche: Ha see Y/N Prefers the sword I bou-

Swinging it at the wall it immediately snapped in half. Everyone was silent Louise had a smile as Kirche was wide eyes and mouth hanging open, and Tabitha looked only to read her book again.

Y/N: Swords faulty now for the other one.

Picking it up I went for a swing only for it to speak.

???: Hold on!

Stopping I looked at the sword.

Y/N: Interesting.

???: So are you.

Kirche: Wait isn't that an intelligent sword, a sword that contains it's own wisdom. You certainly know how to buy weird stuff Louise.

Louise: That wasn't me he found it and wanted to buy it!

Y/N: True. Now who are you?

???: My names Derflinger, and it's been quite awhile since I was used.

Louise: Why does all the weird things happen to me?

Y/N: Now let's not worry and get some rest you all have class tomorrow.

As Louise and Kirche gave a nod Kirche left with Tabitha as Louise started getting into bed, and when she fell asleep it was me and Derflinger.

Derflinger: Aren't you going to bed partner?

Y/N: I can't remember the last time I slept, and when I do I get nightmares.

Derflinger: What are the nightmares about? If you don't mind me asking.

Y/N: Well don't tell anyone. Swear it.

Derflinger: I swear I will not tell a soul.

Looking at Louise she was fast asleep.

Y/N: Alright I'll have to start with the markers. There are two types of markers the red marker and black marker, and red markers are artificial copies of the black markers, but they function similar to the black markers. We don't know the purpose of the markers, but at one point their was a massive amount of necromorphs, and all the infected we getting sucked into space. We called it the convergence event I still don't know what it does. Now the necromorphs are mutated and reanimated corpses, and they are made into something horrifying that I can't explain, and they are extremely aggressive. Their are many different types of necromorphs, but their main job is to acquire more bodies to convert and spread the infection. What's worse is that there is a marker on this planet, and I can't destroy it without Isaac.

Derflinger: W-Wow That's a lot to take in, but what about the nightmares?

Y/N: Oh well... Alright I'll tell you I have to face it. When I woke up on the USG Ishimura the first outbreak that I was apart of. I had a daughter with me her name was Eleanor.

Flashback (It's going to get dark so you can skip if you want.)

Waking up I looked around after their was an explosion I got up only to notice someone gone.

Y/N: Eleanor?!  Where are you?!

Not hearing a response I walked in a direction not seeing a living soul, and it was dark using the light from my helmet I could see a little, and then I slipped. Hitting the ground I sat up looking at my hand there was blood.

Y/N: W-What the hell? Eleanor!

Getting up I ran looking for my little girl. After awhile there was a hallway that was pitch black, and I had no choice but to move forward. Walking slowly my heart was beating faster by the second I could hear something in the vents, and I was going to check until I heard a voice.

Eleanor: Daddy?

Y/N: Eleanor! are you okay? Come to me sweetheart.

Eleanor: Daddy I'm scared.

Y/N:Everything is going to be okay trust me.

She gave a nod and started walking towards me holding her teddy bear, but whatever was in the vents popped out grabbing her dragging her up into the vents, and I could hear her scream and calling for me with desperation in her voice as I tried to get up the vent, and not even two seconds I could only hear gurgling until everything went completely silent as her teddy bear fell from the vent covered in blood. Looking closely I saw her little hand still gripping it, and I couldn't do anything but stare as I couldn't help but imagine her face. Then what ever was in the vent came down it was like the monster under the bed only much more horrifying, and it roared at me rushing towards me, until the right leg blew off then the arm. Someone in a RIG was walking towards me with a plasma cutter.

???: Are you alright?

I couldn't speak I was still holding the teddy bear with her arm, and he looked only to notice the arm.

???: Jesus I'm sorry. Look my names Isaac what's yours?

Y/N: Y-Y-Y/N.

Isaac: Alright Y/N Look I'm trying to find someone could you help me?

Looking at him my helmet retracted in my suit.


Isaac: You can save another life, and we could stop this from happening again, and this situation happening to someone else's kid.

Thinking was all I could do, and I never want someone to go through this. My helmet went back to cover my face and I asked.

Y/N: Who are you looking for?

Isaac: Nicole Brennan.

Flashback ended (I didn't like writing that flashback it's also over if you skipped it.)

 Y/N: That's what happened and whenever I sleep it replays in my head like a damn recording, and the screaming I can never get it out of my head.

Derflinger: I'm sorry to hear that. What did you do with the bear?

Y/N: I always have it with me, and when I looked at it, it reminds me of who I could have saved. And now another god damn marker is on this planet, and I'm sure as hell not going to let it happen again only I wish Isaac was here, it would have been better.

And we talked the whole night away as Louise was sleeping still, and we waited for morning.

A/N: Hope my writing is good, and I really hate this chapter. Anyway have a wonderful day or night.

Summoning The Marker Maker : Male Reader x LouiseWhere stories live. Discover now