Chapter 2: The start of the past

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As class started a familiar face appeared one from a long time ago.
"Class this is..."The teacher said
"Stefan. Salvatore".
"Oh ok you can take a seat by Ms. Patrova over there."
The two met glances and soon filled with rage.
"Hey do you know him?"Elena asked.
"Ummm, well, sorta".
"Rebecca come to the boarding house. We need to talk." Stefan said with anger in his voice but in a very quiet whisper.
"I have practice, I'll drop by after." Rebecca said quietly

"Hey, guys, I'm going to practice with you". Rebecca said smiling
"Ok, you want to go to the grill and you can ride with us." Bonnie said
"I can't I have to do a thing after school,". Rebecca said sadly.
"Oh ok, are you ok? You seem startled?"Caroline asked.
"No, no just excited for practice, that's all."
Hours later for cheer practice, Rebecca noticed that everyone had started. She knew she could catch up fast but that's not what she worried about it was Elena.
After practice Rebecca started to head to the Salvatore boarding house, once she got there she remembered how big it was and her old room was there.
She walked in the door and before she knew it she forced upon the door choking.
"What are you doing here."
"I was here before you I'm older which means I'm stronger." She said making Stefan head all the way to the fire place dropping him.
"You're supposed to be dead, explain before I rip your heart out."
"Fine,only because this is awkward."
Year 1864
"Rebecca and Katherine arrived in mystic falls to the Salvatore house." You know cousin I think this could be a new start." Katherine said, meanwhile Rebecca was ignoring her. "Katerina, I'm older which means I decide and you must be polite, and no killing sprees." Rebecca said with venom in her voice. As they made their destination, not only the young man caught their eye but also the home was quite large. Weeks past Rebecca and Damon became best of friends, Stefan and her became brother and sister like. Damon and Stefan were both with Katherine, even after they died, or when both of the girls faked their death.

"Me and Katherine faked our deaths went our separate ways and I came back over here."
"Great so me and Damon died for nothing."
"I mean... you can say that to be honest I don't care... I'm joking you died for love. Intoxicating stupid pointless love."
As they exchange glances, there was a loud bang. "I'm home Stefan."
Stefan put a finger to his lip as they sped towards his room.
"Look Damon isn't over the fact your "dead" and Katherine is gone ok."
"Stefan, please I'm a tribrid(witch, vampire,werewolf) and over 700 years old I think I'll be fine."
"I kept your secret, ok just you were basically my sister and Damon is off the rails, so please help me get rid of him."
"Fine". She said smiling and giving him a hug. She sped off to the front door.
"Rebecca?" Damon said with a suprised and saddened look.
"I'm sorry Damon"

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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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