Chapter 1:The beginning

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Today was the first day back to school, which she dreaded every year even before she moved their for freshman year. Her best friend was Bonnie Bennett, her second was Elena Gilbert ,and third was Caroline Forbes. They all have been friends since that year and Bonnie, Elena and her were even closer after Elena's parents passed.

The clock went off at 7:00am Rebecca rolled out of bed (literally )got up to take a shower and brush her teeth. As she got dressed she put on a pair of ripped jeans, with a black velvet shirt, with black heals, and black Balmer jacket. She curled her hair as usual and put on a nude lip with light makeup.

"Hey dad, Tyler's picking me up I got to go love you."
"I love you too ass whole".
Rebecca quickly walked down the stairs into the kitchen for a banana and coffee on the go. Then ran outside to Tyler's truck.
"Hey lover boy miss me?"Rebecca said with a smirk.
"No, ass get in the car and hey don't spill ur coffee."
"Yes sir,where's Vicky or is she under you?" Rebecca chuckled
"She got a ride with Matt and I'm not too interested anymore, so I see you still roll up in black everything".
"It is my favorite color, you know that, I can see your not excited about today."
"No I'm really not."
"Well I'll wait for you for football practice since I have cheer and all."
"Ok, by the way you look hot." Tyler said looking her up and down.
"I know". Rebecca then leaned in and kissed him they were just like that no feeling attached.

A couple of minutes later they were at school, they walked out of the car kissed and were off on their separate ways. Everyone was looking at Rebecca as she headed towards her best friends.
"Hey Rebecca I saw you and Tyler." Elena said smiling
"It's nothing, just a ride".
"Ya just a ride". Caroline said laughing
"Hey as long as you not prego I'm fine,now let's kick this bish." Bonnie said kicking her foot up in the air.

As they were walking Rebecca felt something up ahead he had a jacket and felt so familiar.
They all looked at the back all the way till class.
The bell rang for someone to walk in...

"It's a love hate type of relationship"Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя