Chapter 47

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I led Jestro and Aaron into the kitchen, and shut the door softly, locking it tight.

"So, I thought Jestro was part of some ritual thing with Monstrux," Aaron says quizzically. 

"Believe me, I did too," I said. Jestro nodded.  

"And why is he here now? Does Clay know?" Jestro and I exchanged a glance. 

"Clay may or may not have exchanged himself for me." Jestro laughed awkwardly. Aaron sighed.

"But we still have the book, right?" At this, I expected Jestro to tell the truth. But this is what he said:

"I didn't see him with a book, so I assume you do," Jestro says. I smile at him.

"Yeah, as far as I'm concerned, it's still in the Brick." I continue. Aaron nods.

"That's good." He pauses. "How did you find Jestro anyway?"

"Clay must have brought the radio because I woke up when Jestro asked for help," 

"Okay. We should probably figure this out in the morning. Why don't you guys get some shut-eye? We could use your help tomorrow morning."

We only nod, and start walking to my room (and the guest room). Aaron goes back to his room. The walk is silent at first.

"You knew," Jestro whispers.


"About the room, the ritual, Monstrux, everything!" He frowns. "And you didn't tell me?"


"Maybe you and the knight's could have stopped it. We could have done something. But you didn't say anything. Why?" Silence.

"Because if I told you, you'd be gone already. We'd have lost. Monstrux is more powerful than he seems, book or not. He could have destroyed everyone in a second." I look at him. "I didn't tell you to protect you."

"Oh," He half laughs-half sobs. "Sorry, for getting mad." 

"It's fine," I smile. "Your staff is still here if you want it."

"That'd be nice." Jestro fiddles with his hands.

I run into my room, and reach under my bed, grabbing the staff. Jestro waits outside the door, and I hand it to him.

"Good night, Jestro," I whisper.

"'Night!" He starts to walk away. "Thanks," I hear him add before he closes the guest room door. 

I kick off my shoes and flop onto my bed. Tomorrow, the rest of the knights will notice that Clay is gone and Jestro isn't. Tomorrow, Merlock and Aaron will find out that the Brick is empty. Tomorrow, the ritual starts. And that keeps me tossing and turning. Jestro probably can't sleep either. 

What were we thinking? Can we actually pull this off?

Resistance - A Nexo Knights FanFicDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora