chapter 4

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your pov
ms fieldmouse opened the door and smiled in greeting. "good afternoon, mr. mole." she said happily as she went inside. trinkets of all sorts were everywhere. i followed closely behind. a wall caught my eye, there were all sorts of dead bugs, butterflies, and beetles. i shuddered in disgust and looked away.

"oh, yes," he said then sniffed the air. "ms fieldmouse, good afternoon lovely day." she smiled. "i want you to meet a new friend of mine, y/n," she gestured to me. "she just came down from...up there." i held out the cakes but he didn't take them.

"up there?" he questioned, pointing. "terrible place," he said before sniffing by my hands. "mmm, how do you do miss y/n? pleased to make your acquaintance," he bowed. "uh, how do you do, mr. mole?" i asked politely shaking his hand.

"come in, come in," he gestured for us to follow him and we did. "don't touch anything, these are my things," he warned. "we brought some corn cakes for you," ms fieldhouse chided, pushing me towards him. i stumbled and almost lost my balance. "just you try one, mr. mole." i held out the basket again and he dug in and messily ate them, smacking his lips and licking his fingers. i tried not to feel queasy.

"very nice," he concluded. "well, tell us about up there!" he exclaimed to me, curious. "i went up once. nearly blinded me, hurried as fast as i could back down where it's dark and decent," he scoffed.

"well i love the light," i answered honestly. "i hate it. end of story," he answered his voice raised. ms fieldmouse raised her brows. "story? y/n tell mr. mole a story—a lovely sad story." once those words left her lips my heart began to ache. there was one lovely sad story i could think of.

"stand right there where i can see you," mr. mole pointed and took his seat next to ms fieldmouse and i obliged.

"once upon a time there was, um, the sun..."

"sing it, y/n. sing," ms fieldmouse chided. "she sings," mr mole gasped and she shushed him. i took a deep breath
once there was the sun
bright and warm and wonderful
shining like the love within my heart

i shut my eyes and imagined cornelius shining like the sun dancing with me on the clouds as i sang and a single tear fell down my cheek.

now there's no more sun
winter has killed everything

i tried to keep my voice from cracking as i imagined my cornelius's face staring back at me smiling as he lifted me up with his arms. i sang with everything i could muster, and the pain and grief was evident in my voice.

and although it's dark december
i'll remember sun

i opened my eyes and the image of cornelius disappeared. "winter has killed everything," i whimpered. "...even the sun."

"wonderful story!" ms fieldhouse said excitedly. "dreadful thing, the sun," mr. mole commented, grabbing a scepter. "now i have a story to tell you," he said walking off and i followed.

"just this morning as i was out for my early morning stroll, i stumbled across the most extraordinary thing in my tunnel— a dead bird!"

"no!" ms. fieldmouse gasped. "yes," he  confirmed. as we were walking i couldn't help but marvel at all the treasures mr. mole had collected. "how do you suppose a dead bird got into my tunnel?" he thought out loud. "i'm certainly glad i'm not a bird," he huffed. i gasped. speaking of birds, what ever happened to jacquimo?

prince cornelius x reader (short)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن