chapter 2

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might not incorporate as much singing.

third pov

prince cornelius commanded his bumble to fly faster, as he yearned to see his y/n again. "y/n!" he exclaimed as buzzby landed. when he scrambled off all of his gifts fell out of his hands.

"oops, y/n! y/n?" he struggled to get his helmet off but still called for the girl's name, wondering why he wasn't getting an answer. he managed to pry off the helmet. "got it. y/n? y/n, it's me where are you?" he chuckled but stopped once he saw the shape that her room was in.

furniture was knocked over and everything was a mess. he started to worry and he flew in the room to investigate. he came across hero in the corner, crying and whimpering. "where is she?"

hero told the fairy prince what happened. "what?" he gasped. "she was stolen away?? out the window??" his fists balled up.

"who did it?" anger lacing his voice now. "a toad?" cornelius buried his face in his hands, and when his eyes closed all he could think about was y/n's face. "good dog" he stated firmly and went back to buzzby.

"i'll find her!" he proclaimed and unsheathed his sword. hero barked and went to follow him. "no, hero, you stay here and take care of her mother. she needs you." he said in a gentler tone now. the dog whined, wanting to find y/n but knew cornelius was right. and with that he flew off.

your pov

"¡buenos días! i hope you sleep very very good!" A voice called out waking me up. "what? who the hell are you?" i exclaimed.

"¿nosotros? we are the very happy family singers de españa." she exclaimed. "these are my sons, mozo, gringo, and grundel." she said as three frogs hopped into view. for some reason the last frog, grundel, seemed almost familiar...

"you see, we are very rich and famous."
"rich? and famous?" i questioned.
"sí, sí. mucho. i bring you here to become rich and famous singer like me!"

"uh, no, i'm out," i scrambled out of bed and tried to escape but her three sons hopped in front of me blocking my way. i gulped hard, realizing i was trapped. "please, my mothers going to be worried sick!"

not to mention cornelius....

my heart began to ache just thinking about the fairy prince. "mama no worry." the toad assured. "mama be proud when you are star! when you be famous you will be loved by everyone!" she exclaimed. i was a little tempted at first but then knocked to my senses. "but, uh, cornelius loves me already. i think i'm going to marry him." i said honestly my cheeks turning beet red.

"marry him?" the toad shrilled. "¡ay, chihuahua! that will be very big mistake. it will get on the way of your career in show business, while doing all the time those things domésticos."

"what things? " i asked.

"the scrubbing and the washings and the noses with the drippings. and the soaps always boiling, the panes and windows falling, with the diapers changing, and with the roof she's leaking. you don't wanna do all these things do you?"

"i-i guess not..."

"then don't marry the prince. you can become a big star like me and we make big money together! now sing show us what you got!"

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