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It was Wednesday and Yoongi and Jimin had just got off school. Once again, they had declined going with some of the other guys from their class to hang out at the local café. They just wanted to go home, do their homework and cuddle in bed while watching a movie. It was something they always did at Wednesdays since elementary school.

"Hyung.." Jimin had stopped and while holding Yoongi's hand, it caused Yoongi to stop as well.

"hmm? What is it, Minnie?" Yoongi looked back at Jimin who was looking down on the ground, his bangs covering his eyes. "Is everything alright?" he asked while bending down a bit and lifted Jimin's bangs so he could look at his eyes. Jimin raised his head a bit, eyes avoiding Yoongi while his lip tugged in between his teeth.

"Hey.. Minnie? What's wrong?" Yoongi tried to catch Jimin's eyes, but the younger refused to meet his eyes.

"I.. it's just.." Jimin gulped and looked down again, taking a deep breath. "I-I don't want you to hate me, Hyung."

"Why on earth would I hate you, Minnie? That's not even possible. You're my best friend, I could never hate you." Yoongi chuckled and patted Jimin on the head. "Come on, Minnie. Tell me what's wrong."

Jimin squeezed Yoongi's hand and sighed. He looked up at Yoongi who looked back at him with concern in his eyes. "It's just.. you know.. I think-" Jimin cut himself off shaking his head. Taking a deep breath again he raised his head. "I like boys. I-I think I'm gay."

Yoongi blinked a few times, looking at Jimin with no expression clear on his face. Jimin's eyes started watering when Yoongi just kept looking at him. He slowly started to pull his hand out of Yoongi's, but Yoongi only tightened his grib. With a deep sighed he pulled Jimin into his embrace and hugged the younger tight.

"Oh Minnie, why would I hate you for something like that? You are still my Minnie. Hell, even if you said you liked trees or something like that, I wouldn't think any less of you. Love has no boundaries, so don't ever think that you liking boys will make me think bad of you." Yoongi pushed Jimin out a little from the hug and pecked his forehead. "I love you, Minnie, and you being true to yourself just makes me love you even more." Yoongi pulled Jimin back in, hugging him tight. "Never could I hate you. That would make me a hypocrite." He chuckled and pecked the side of Jimin's head. "Let's go to my place and finish our damn homework. I need to cuddle you".

Jimin blinked a few times taking in what Yoongi had just said, before noticed Yoongi pulling his arm. He let out a sigh of relief. He was sure Yoongi wouldn't hate him, he knew Yoongi was the least judgemental person, but still the fear of being hated and left alone by his bestfriend, had been there. He giggled and started to walk. "Cuddles sounds nice".


It wasn't until later that afternoon while they were cuddled up next to each other on Yoongi's bed while watching a movie, when Jimin remembered something.

"Yoongi hyung?" Jimin had his head on Yoongi's chest and his arm around the olders waist, keeping him close while drawing small circles on Yoongis exposed skin. He could hear the older hum indicating he was listening to what the younger had to say.

"What did you mean when you said you would be a hypocrite?" Yoongi chuckled at Jimin's question. He knew he would ask at some point. He shifted his position so he could lay on his side and looked into Jimin's deep brown eyes, curiosity painting them.

"If I hated you for telling me that you like boys, it would make me a hypocrite, because I like boys too." Yoongi smiled at Jimin. The youngers eyebrows knitted together trying to process what Yoongi had just told him. Yoongi could see how the realization of what Yoongi had just said settled in to Jimin's brain, eyes growing wide.

"Wait, what. No, you.. you're.. but you had a girlfriend!?" Jimin stumbled over his words trying to make sense of what Yoongi's word meant. How could Yoongi be gay, when he had had a girlfriend for a few months last year. He knew they broke up, but Jimin never really knew why, as Yoongi somehow always avoided the question whenever Jimin brought it up.

Yoongi chuckled again, moving his hand to Jimin's cheek. "Yes, I had a girlfriend. And we broke up, remember? When I told her, I wouldn't mind dating a guy, she wasn't exactly happy about it." Yoongi sighed and stroke his thumb over Jimin's cheekbone, his eyes glistening, holding a whole galaxy. Jimin always felt like he would get lost whenever he got to stare into Yoongi's eyes.

"So that was why you broke up? Because you like boys and girls?" Jimin couldn't help asking. He really wanted to know the reason behind the breakup.

Yoongi sighed. "It was a part of it. She didn't want to be with me, because she didn't want to be humiliated when I left her for a boy, as she put it."

Jimin was in deep thought. He never thought his best friend would be gay, or in his case bi. He couldn't help smile a little as maybe that meant if he confessed his true feelings about his hyung, it wouldn't be a complete disaster. Of course the chance of Yoongi not liking him like that was there, but maybe, just maybe there was a tiny chance of Yoongi could like him more than just his best friend. The way Yoongi sometimes looked at him, like he was his entire universe, maybe that actually meant something.

"Hyung.." Jimin licked his lips and looked down at his hands resting against Yoongi's chest. "I.. I need to tell you something." He needed to get it of his chest.

"Hmm?" Yoongi still had his hand on Jimin's cheek, his thumb running back and forth over his cheekbone.

"I-I.. like you." Jimin whispered. He didn't dare look up at Yoongi. He could feel Yoongi remove his hand from his face. He tugged his lip between his teeth and felt a knot forming in his stomach. Yoongi was mad. He was sure of it.

"Minnie.." Yoongi let out a sigh. Jimin closed his eyes to avoid the forming tears to drop. He messed up. How could he even think that just because Yoongi liked boys, that he would have the slightest chance.

"Could you look at me for a second?" Jimin shook his head and kept starring at his hand on Yoongi's chest. Just as he lifted his hand from Yoongi's chest, he felt Yoongi's hand over his, keeping it in place. "Minnie, look at me."

Jimin shook his head again and closed his eyes. He was sure if he looked at Yoongi he would see angry eyes and then he for sure would start crying.

Yoongi sighed and lifted his hand from where it was laying over Jimin's and placed it under his chin, raising Jimin's head. He could see small tears in the corners of Jimin's closed eyes. He chuckled a little and moved his hand to wipe away a stray tear that left Jimin's eye. He moved in closer to Jimin and pecked his cheek.

"I like you too"


A/N: wooah first chapter is out and it's a mess x) However I hope you enjoy.

Tell me what you think~

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