The torchwood terror chapter 12 The tests start

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I smile at the Doctor and they lead us too the experimenting room, when we're in the room I see the tables and the equipment and I'm scared, I feel like trying my best to get out of here but the most I can manage is pulling on the Doctors hand. The Doctor gives me a look telling me to just do what they say and that he's going to protect me. I'm nervous, but I follow, knowing I can't get out but I almost certainly know they are going to hurt us. But I find some reassurance in the Doctors eyes. That's he's with me.

The personal straps me and the Doctor to the tables. "Let's see how corporative you are compared to miss clara" I look over at the things on the tiny table next to me. Needles and lots of other sharp looking objects. I've never been afraid of needles but the other things.., I struggle in the straps. The personal sees me. "Don't waist your energy little katrina you will soon see this is in your best interest." I stop knowing I can't get away, I was just doing it cause nervous but I didn't want her to see it "how would it be?" I ask my voice a little shaky but I'm trying to be sarcastic, a though I think this is hardly the time. "For starters the more you struggle the more I will have to sedate you" "Ah..." stop struggling, though I'm so very nervous I feel like if I'm any more nervous I might pass out from m the stress "what all tests are you going to do?"

She places somethings on me and the Doctors head that look the same. "Now telpathic your dad for me, little katrina. " the Doctor looks over at me

"Katrina do it. I know you don't want to but just do it" I look at him, and do it even though I don't want to. I telpathic him "hey dad.. I'm finally with you. I wish it wasn't under these circumstances but I would of taken any chance to see you a year ago and now you're here in front of me. We will get though this together."

He looks at me and I hear his telpathic response "don't worry after all this is over I will never let anything happen to you again" "I know. I love you dad. Whatever happens I'm glad to have you with me." I stop doing telpathic realizing that they heard it all. I think. Of course they did. The personal speaks up "thankyou that was very heart warming. Now on to the other tests." The Doctor looks straight at the personal. Warning her. "I don't care what you do to me. Just leave katrina alone"

The personal makes a sarcastic face. "Hmm how about no. You have no idea how long we have waited for your daughter to come and now we have her and you can't stop us." She grins. I decide to telpathic the Doctor "Dad I'm sorry. But you can't stop them. We're stuck here. But I'd rather be here with you then alone." I brace myself for what they are going to do to us "hope it doesn't hurt too much" I see his eyes start to water and he responds back "fine but please don't try to fight them it will only hurt you more." I agree and prepare myself "ok"
I look at the personal ready for whatever they are going to do. She approaches me with a needle which I don't watch as she takes some of my blood. It hurts more then most needles and I grunt a little. They do the same to the Doctor I see him wince. The personal finishes and goes to grab another thing on the table my arm starts to ache from the needle before I feel like rubbing it but as I'm strapped I can't. "so what is this all for anyway? Torchwood testing on timelords. There's got to be a reason." I making conversation cause nervous on what they are going to do next.

I see the Doctor droop his head. "" the personal looks up at us. "well wouldn't you like to know. We do it for survival. And to stop you Doctor. All alien technology is ours. including knowing how you work. Know your enemy. And what a daughter you have there Doctor a timelord with powers. Quite rare."

I glare at the personal. The Doctor replies "I know. she's mine."

"Oh but even you don't have powers so why does she have them?" She places something glowing on my arm. I ask "what is that?" The Doctor replies "She has them because...." He trails off, not wanting to reveal my past.

"Hmm hiding something from us Doctor? You would know why she does, so tell us. Or we will use....other methods." "I don't care what you do to me, I will never tell you. And don't think you can find out by experimenting on Katrina because the only way to find out is by me telling you. Katrina doesn't even know so nothing could be done with her." I look at the personal with a smile on my face saying yeah. The Doctor continues  "Do anything to me if you want, ive learned to lock my thoughts." She personal comes close to the Doctor. "Want to do a mental block Doctor?" She says while doing something that sends a electric shock through my body, making me groan and mutter in pain. "I will not tell you her secrets" still in pain from the shock surging though out my body. I look over at the Doctor with the best smile I can do while in pain "ahhh. Mmm" I muster trying not to cry out in pain. The Doctor looks at me with a face saying sorry for me being in pain.

I roughly telpathic him. "Don't worry. Dad.. we..will get...though this." He responds back his voice full of concern "katrina don't. you'll make yourself sick"

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