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Kira POV
Hi, my name is Kira, Full name Min Kira. I just turned 17 years old this year. I have an older brother. His name is Min Yoongi also known as Suga. He's an idol. He's in a group called BTS. The group is really famous right now. I'm proud that my brother finally achieved something in his life. No one knows that I am his little sister. And... I also got bullied every day. Which is almost a routine for me every lunch time. So let's get this straight. The reason I did not tell anyone that I'm Suga little sister is because I don't want anyone to get near me and ask me for his number. It's really annoying.
"Miss Kira! " my teacher shout.
"yes... " I just answer her in a low voice since she is very scary .
"Pay attention " she said. I just sigh. Lucky for me, I didn't get detention.
"So today, we will have a new student! "
"Come in! " she demanded the new student.
"Introduce yourself " she said to the new student.
"H-hi, my name Yang Jeongin. You can call me I.n or Jeongin " he introduced himself.
"Okay Jeongin, you can sit beside..... Kira! " she pointed at me. Why meeee?. Jeongin sit beside me and just say hi to me . But, I ignore him. I don't know why.

??? POV
The girl beside me is really pretty and cute.

Author-nim is here!
Sorry if there are some grammar mistakes. English is not my main language. And also I'm sorry if this chapter is very short. I had no idea since its already 1:34 in the morning and I can't sleep.

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