A Night Patrol

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Two Weeks Later~ Sonya's POV~

The shelter we had I had built did not last long, Gunmar's forces found us, and I had to hunt them down and kill them before they could report our location back to Gunmar himself, who now has made Trollmarket his home.

What remains of the trolls have been confined to an old abandoned warehouse, but the problem still remained as to how would we hide ourselves from the Gumm-Gumms. I had my human guise, the children had their homes, but Blinky Arrrgh and the others . . . well, they had nowhere.

Fortunately, Blinky retained so much knowledge that we were able to use signs that would deter the Gumm-Gumms. What signs you may ask? The signs that promoted Councilwoman Nunez's election, aka Claire's mom.

I swear to the moon god this is the first and probably the only time that politics has saved our butts. In any case, the Trolls were hidden and safe from the Gumm-Gumms for now, and I would always guard their home. A Loboan's loyalty is ferocious, and I will not let these trolls get corrupted.

To add, Jim and I met up with the changelings Sticklander and Nomura, and I would observe Jim's training lessons with them, just to be sure they didn't go over the top. I would throw in my advice from time to time, but I mostly preferred to Train with Jim one on one.

Yes, you heard me. Between school, being the Trollhunter, life at home and training with Stricklander, I would train Jim as well. I knew Jim would need the extra edge and any tactics he could get his hands on in order to kill Gunmar, so I shared Loboan ticks and tactics with him.

But, where does that leave me? Aside from training and guarding the trolls, I mostly keep to myself and often go on scouting missions to see if there was a kindle of a chance to bring Draal back or break his control from Gunmar.

But those moments were few to none.

Right now, I was in my human form, running down the street with Jim, and Claire trying to catch a Gumm-Gumm who had discovered the location of the troll's temporary home. I ran close behind the Gumm-Gumm who tore past a house, and across a street only to slip between two houses. The Gumm-Gumm ran on all fours, similar to Arrrgh, only Arrrgh wasn't a blood thirsty killer.

Jim and Claire were close behind as the Gumm-Gumm jumped a fence into a backyard, and I was quick to hurdle the fencing with ease and land in a crouch, Jim and Claire in toe. I wish I could assume my Loboan form, but it was too risky to be spotted by unwanted eyes.

The Gumm-Gumm ran out onto the road again and skidded around a car before thundering down the pavement. It tried to turn into an alley but was stopped by one of the signs, it turned to a house only to be deterred by the signs there to, so it was forced to run up the street. I smirked, seeing that the signs were indeed working, that alone filled me with the determination to pick up my speed and run that much faster.

"He knows where our hideout is!" Claire exclaimed, out of breath.

"We can't let him report back to Gunmar!" I called over my shoulder.

"He's headed for Arbor Street!" Claire called, though her voice was broken up in pants.

My eyes widened before I called over my shoulder, "Jim, did you put up those signs there?" I asked as I jumped over a trash can and continued the pursuit.

Jim's baby blue eyes widened a bit, "I thought you did!" he called.

My green eyes narrowed, "I thought Nunez did!" I jabbed a quick thumb back to Claire who shook her head.


The Gumm-Gumm skidded around a turn and smashed into a car, causing the alarm to go off, I winced at that, the piercing sound harsh on my sensitive ears. This was getting out of control very fast, if we couldn't catch this guys soon. . . I may have to risk going into my Loboan form.

Trollhunters: "Two Warriors, One Love Lost" (DraalXOC)Where stories live. Discover now