2. KURODAI. Caring

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Kuroo Tetsurou doesn't know how to take care of himself. That's a truth Daichi recently discovered.

After graduating, he moved to Tokyo to study lingüistics and found out that Kuroo was at the same university, which was great because at least now he knew someone else there. They decided to rent an apartment together since Sawamura was also the only one Kuroo knew and Kuroo's house was too far from the campus. At first Daichi didn't notice much. Kuroo was doing fine, he studies chemistry, practices volleyball with Sawamura and watches horror movies sometimes.

Kuroo's coffee intake was the first red flag. The guy could consume more than two shots of espresso and look completely normal, that is not normal. But that was only the beginning, what really got Daichi suspicious was that for the second part of the semester, Kuroo usually arrived to their room late at night. 3 or 4 am late, which is not normal. Something was wrong. But it wasn't till finals arrived that hell went loose.

It was final's week, Kuroo just had an important exam this morning. He looked like he didn't sleep for two days straight, had deep dark circles under his eyes, his skin looked pale and he even seemed skinnier. He entered the library in a zombie-like state, sat, took out his computer and started writing as if nothing was wrong. Yes, that was certainly a bad sign. Daichi could smell his stress miles away.

-Damn Kuroo, you look horrible, what happened?

-Oh hello to you too Sawamura, also thanks for the nice compliment.

-When was the last time you ate?

-Yesterday morning, i think?

-Kuroo, it's 7pm. Eat something!

-Yes I will! as soon as I finish this report and this last lecture. The exam is tomorrow.

-You have to eat now!

Kuroo just gave him a tired smirk, though it lacked it's usual power.

-Now worried about me, mommy Sawamura?

-Yes I am! I mean what the hell?! You need to rest Kuroo. Your exam is tomorrow afternoon, I've seen you study for hours straight, I think you can take a break to eat and sleep. You know basic human needs!!!

With each word, Kuroo looked even more nervous than before. He started anxiously fiddling with his pen while biting his lips.

-No! You don't know! I must ace this if I want to keep my scholarship. I have to! This is my last exam, after that I can rest but not now!! This is one of the harder and larger exams, I can't let it slide. Also I had a snack from the vending machine.

-And you won't be able to give your all in this state anyways. Come on Kuroo, I'm not asking, you will go with me to the cafeteria, get something actually healthy to eat, then come back here, take a shower and sleep until tomorrow morning. Then you can study, am I clear?

Now Kuroo definitely was annoyed.

-What the fuck Sawamura! You are not my dad! Or are you, daddy?

-Ugh you are horrible.-Nonetheless Daichi grabbed the other's wrist and yanked him out of the room. When they arrived at the cafeteria some students were lurking around. When Kuroo ate a soup, some chicken with carrots and rice, and a muffin (all by Daichi's direct orders) he started talking.

-You don't need to worry, this always happens. Finals are tough but then I get over it. It's normal.

-There is no way this is acceptable, if you do it often it is even worse. Anyways does any of this have to do with you arriving stupidly late at night?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2019 ⏰

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